Elizabeth Baker

Elizabeth Baker
Elizabeth was raised in Houston and met her husband Ryan shortly after graduating from Texas A&M with a journalism degree. A few years later, Grayson {Sept 2010}, turned Elizabeth’s world upside down, not only with his sparkling blue eyes and killer smile, but with his profound disabilities and diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease. After two years of navigating the world of special needs parenting, Elizabeth and Ryan were blessed with Charlotte {Jan 2013} and Nolan {Sept 2015}, perfectly completing their party of five. Elizabeth and her crew live in Katy, and when she can steal a few moments for herself, she can be found out for Mexican food and margaritas with girlfriends, binge-listening to podcasts and audiobooks, or trying once again {unsuccessfully} to organize her closet. In addition to her role as Managing Editor of HMB, Elizabeth writes about faith, politics and special needs parenting for publications like Scary Mommy and HuffPost.You can connect with Elizabeth on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, or ElizabethKBaker.com

Surviving Your Child’s Hospital Stay:: Advice from a Seasoned Medical Mom

All kids get sick. Having a little one down with the flu, RSV, or any one of a myriad of viruses just plain sucks. Ideally, you'll ride out your child's illness at home, with...
The Birthday I've been dreading. Honest thoughts on Turning 40. A photograph of balloons and confetti.

The Birthday I’ve Been Dreading:: Honest Thoughts on Turning 40

Today is my 40th birthday. To be honest, I've been dreading this day for months, to the point where it's caused actual anxiety and low-key depression. What's weird is I am decidedly not a...

The Life Lessons My Kids are Learning from their Football Coach Dad

When I married a Texas high school football coach, I knew I was signing up for a different life than most of my friends, whose husbands wore suits and ties instead of gym shorts...

Why a Montessori School is the Perfect Place to Build Lifelong Learners

When my children were tiny babies, I began to think about what kind of educational experiences I wanted them to have. Sure, I want them to learn to read, write and do a reasonable...
The Challenge of Meeting the Unique Needs of Gifted Children | Houston Moms Blog

The Challenge of Meeting the Unique Needs of Gifted Children

The term "gifted" gets thrown around a lot, especially in mom circles. Many parents believe their child is gifted, but is there actually an objective measurement of "giftedness" versus being intelligent or high performing?...

The Importance of Choosing the Right Preschool for Your Child

“Will my child be ready for elementary school?” "What preschool will best prepare them for Kindergarten?" I've been the parent of young children for almost a decade, and I've asked myself these questions many times...

Summer Safety:: Preventing and Treating Pediatric Emergencies

Oh summer. The idea of you is so dreamy:: a relaxed schedule, hours spent outside at the pool or watching the kids play on their bikes and scooters, and soaking up the endless sunshine....

Beyond Builder’s Beige :: Pro Tips on Picking Paint Colors and More

Our family moved into our current house about three years ago. A new build in a suburban neighborhood, every wall is painted Builder's Beige. You know the color I'm talking about- the generic {boring?}...

How to Use Technology and Smart Products to Make Family Life Easier

I was born in 1979 and am a proud member of the sandwich generation known as the Xennials {they also call us the Oregon Trail generation}. Xennials are those of us born between 1977...

Luxury Meets Budget Friendly:: The Best Summer Movie Theater Experience

Summer is in full swing, and moms across Houston are desperate for activities to keep their little ones busy during the long, hot days ahead. Houston Moms Blog's Ultimate Houston Summer Bucket List is...