
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

I love traditions and family rituals, so it's no surprise that when the winter holidays come around, I get really excited. Surprisingly, I have come to enjoy Advent just as much or more than Christmas. Traditionally, Advent includes the...
This past Halloween my little family of four went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, and I was reminded once again that it's just us. While other families walked around with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, it was just the four of...
What is the first thing you think of when someone says "Thanksgiving?" Turkey? Mashed potatoes? Gravy? Broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole? Rolls? Pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream? Pecan pie? If you are like most people, the food is front and center when...
As a mom of a toddler, I often find completely random things in my hair. Food, amoxicillin, milk, and the occasional booger have made their way into what was once an untampered head of hair. It's gross, but sometimes it's part of...
I've been there. Your experience is my experience. I have, make that HAD, a child with major food issues. Pandora is our child with issues. She has developmental delays, a language disorder, possible ADHD with inattentiveness, possible dyslexia, and the...
Earlier this year, my family and I started on a foster care journey that has changed our lives forever. We wanted to open up our home to a child in need and possibly adopt a child if the opportunity arose. Many...
When Problems Overwhelm "Yes, Ma'am, we have your credit card right here. We'll hold onto it until you can come pick it up. When would you like that to be?" Tomorrow, I thought. Tomorrow would be easier, because tonight was full. I...
If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your child’s entire education mapped out since the moment of conception. I planned for my son’s to look something like this: 13 consecutive years of awesomeness, academic excellence, and a few citizenship...
You've somehow found yourself to be a mom of 3 young children at the museum. It's a children's museum. They are young. They are going to have an absolute blast. But something between worry and terror blankets your face. Don't stress....
As she frantically searched her purse for a pen, I watched her pull out an assortment of children’s toys and snacks. In an effort to make sure that she knew that she wasn’t alone in her new normal, I...



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