2020 is OVER!
Can you even believe it?!
After the crazy year we had, We have decided NOT to do Resolutions this year. In fact, Becca S. says it best when she writes, “Let’s Not.” In fact, let’s all let 2021 slip in quietly and not make any noise at all.
One thing that hasn’t been canceled and won’t ever be canceled is family time! Houston is the best for fun, family events and there will be no exception in 2021.
Enjoy these fun, family events below:
Check out what else January has in store for you ::
[ecs-list-events design=”compact” titlesize=”20px” fromdate=’2021-01-01′ todate=’2021-01-31′ excerpt=’150′ limit=’150′ button=”More Info” thumb=”true” buttonbg=”#04295e“]