Recently I was fortunate enough to be part of a women in leadership lunch at work. The group was comprised of women at my company in positions of leadership, and the keynote speaker was a female Vice President who was sharing resources and knowledge gained through a leadership course she took part in last year. The underlying theme of the lunch was how we as female leaders of our company have a responsibility to reach behind us to help cultivate, nurture and support the next generation of females at our company. After I went home that evening, I found myself thinking about how to apply this to motherhood and empowering other moms.
As a young mother, I still have much to learn from mothers who have come before me and simply have more experience under their belts. But I also have a lot of wisdom that I can impart to those who have come after me and are starting out on their motherhood journeys. For me, the critical question I asked myself was, “What am I doing to reach back to help the next freshman class of moms?”
Use Your Voice & Powers for Good
Clearly I am a Contributor for Houston Moms Blog {HMB} and I have a unique platform where I can reach far more fellow moms than if I was not a blogger. Close friends and family were surprised when I told them I was going to write monthly posts for Houston Moms Blog because honestly I have never really enjoyed writing. I wrote a blog when I was in my mid-20’s and traveling Europe by myself, but unlike many of my fellow HMB contributor sisters, I don’t have a current personal blog that I maintain. I am also not writing a book and I do not consider myself a major influencer on social media. However, I do feel like I have things to share with other moms as I navigate the everyday struggles and shenanigans of motherhood and that’s why being a HMB Contributor is important to me.
My hope is that something I say in one of my posts will resonate with a mom and perhaps be that “aha!” moment for her or perhaps make her feel less lonely in this world. If it’s not a blog for you, maybe it’s taking a leadership position in an organization you are passionate about or maybe it’s simply joining a local moms group and sharing experiences and tips and tricks that have been helpful or useful to you as a mother. Sometimes we think that motivating and inspiring others requires grand gestures. The opposite is actually true. So use your voice and unique powers for good and seek out opportunities to help empower the next freshman class of moms however is most comfortable for you.
Pay Attention
If you are familiar with enneagrams, you should know that I am a 2, wing 3. This means that I am a “Helper” by nature and often put others’ needs above my own. Something that I pride myself on though is the fact that I pay attention to other moms around me and help support them where I can. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of times when I am in my own world, but in general, I try to do a decent job of paying attention to other moms around me – especially new moms.
I pay attention to subtle cues that a mom is struggling with something in the season of motherhood she’s in currently and I try to share wisdom and support where I can. This is often a delicate balance and as someone who is often pretty direct and to the point, I try and not come across as bossy, too intrusive or {god forbid!} judgmental. Sometimes it is as simple as asking a new mom if she is OK. Or asking how I can help her instead of asking if she needs help. As Brene Brown says, “What I’ve found through research is that trust is built in very small moments, which I call “sliding door” moments, after the movie Sliding Doors. In any interaction, there is a possibility of connecting with the other person or turning away from that person.” Brene is right. These opportunities often present themselves very quickly and you have a very small moment in time to establish trust with that other mom and let her know you really do care. So pay attention and seize those moments when you can.
Establish Connections
While on maternity leave with my oldest son 5 years ago, I discovered a moms group in my area. The importance of this group to me and the love I have for those ladies is a post for another day, but I am active in this group because of the fundamental belief I have that the community of women around me is important. In a world where actual human interaction is often replaced with interactions via social media or technology, I get together with these women to learn from them and to share connections with them.
Through her extensive research on vulnerability, Brene Brown concluded, “Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” Each of us has own struggles. But I believe that being part of moms groups such as mine and being open with one another about our own realities is fundamental to helping the next freshman class of moms. I have shared some of my biggest fears, regrets and lessons learned with these ladies and they have done the same with me. I will never forget the time that one of them contacted me privately and said that a simple story I shared about something I had done and majorly regretted as a mom helped prepare her for a similar situation with her child. Experiences are real, y’all, and you never know that is going to resonate with someone else. Be real. Establish connections. Empower others.