Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Interested in guest blogging with us? We would love to have you! Email us at [email protected].

Newborn Lifestyle Photography :: What Sets It Apart {Guest Post}

Here at Houston Moms Blog we are constantly getting questions about photographing children - especially those squishy little newborns.  You want to know where...

Falling in Love With a Smile {Birth Defect Awareness}

Finding out I was pregnant was the best thing that has ever happened to me! It's an emotion you can not explain. I think...

CHARGED for the New Year {Birth Defect Awareness}

People often ask what it is like to be a special needs mom. My answer is - there is no one answer. We may...

A New Understanding of Perfect {Birth Defect Awareness}

Colette, Houston Moms blog guest blogger, shares the story of her daughter who was born with CPT.
A young baby wrapped in a blanket. Logo: Houston moms blog.

Witt’s Story {Birth Defect Awareness}

My name is Melanie, and this is the story of my son, Witt... I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I...

AGoholics Anonymous

Hello friends, and happiest of holidays! I'd like to talk with you about a serious problem that affects many, particularly during this time of...