Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
The Importance of Being a Good Villager | Houston Moms Blog

The Importance of Being a Good Villager

To say the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child" is cliché has almost become cliché in and of itself. But it's...
So I Guess I'm a Homemaker Now | Houston Moms Blog

So I Guess I’m a Homemaker Now? {Insert Shrug Here}

  Full honesty here :: I try to keep a thick skin and not let too much get to me. {It's a survival technique that...
Are We There Yet | Houston Moms Blog

Are We There Yet?:: Tips for Surviving Road Trips with Littles

Summer road trips with littles can be challenging, but with proper planning and preparation, they can be fun and you can arrive at your...
The Challenge to Live in the Moment Even When the Days are Long | Houston Moms Blog

The Challenge to Live in the Moment Even When the Days are Long

Make sure you soak in every moment! It all goes by so fast! You'll blink, and they'll be off to college! Take it all in! Don't...

St. Patrick’s Day Fun for Little Wee Ones

Top of the morning to you! You may think that St. Patrick's Day is only relevant for adults. Typically, it evokes images of dying a...
Spreading Love to Charity on Valentine's Day | Houston Moms Blog

Spreading Love to Charity on Valentine’s Day

Ah St. Valentine's Day. Love it or hate it, just reading the name probably floods you with memories. As a thirty something adult, I...
Fed is Best :: The True Story of Mommylocks and the Three Nursing Bears | Houston Moms Blog

Fed is Best :: The True Story of Mommylocks and the Three Nursing Bears

Now, I don't like to brag or anything, but after we took the childbirth class at the hospital, before we had our first kid,...
There's No Elf on my Shelf :: A Story of an Elf Alternative | Houston Moms Blog

There’s No Elf on my Shelf :: A Story of an Elf Alternative

I sometimes imagine myself in a Christmas support group, sitting in a circle as everyone introduces themselves. There would be the Scrooges, the premature...
Why I'm {Still} Raising My Children in the Catholic Church | Houston Moms Blog

Why I’m {Still} Raising My Children in the Catholic Church

When I say I'm Catholic, I don't use it as a fleeting adjective. I was born and raised a cradle-Catholic. I was baptized in...

A Peek into My Life as the Wife of a Law Enforcement Officer

Our evening starts with a simple sound. A turn of the key and click of the door latch. He's home. Quickly followed by children...