Rebecca Slocum

Rebecca Slocum
Rebecca S. is a born and raised Houstonian; she grew up in Katy, graduated with a BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management from the University of Houston {go Coogs!}, and made a home in West Houston with her native Houstonian husband. She quickly realized that the chaotic lifestyle of the hospitality industry was not for her and soon found her calling in education. She taught while earning her masters in Library Science from the University of North Texas. Currently, she is staying home with her son, Thomas {2016}, daughter Charlie {2020}, son Zack {2021}. In her free time, she loves to read, write, run, and roam the world. While her roots are firmly planted in H-town, she takes every available opportunity to go on an adventure and explore historic cities, hike and run new trails, and, of course, try beers from every country.

I’ll Never Need A Sleep Consultant And Other Lies I Told Myself

If I Had A Dollar... When I’m a parent, I’ll never let my child scream like that in the store. When I’m a parent, I’ll never have a 3 year old who isn’t potty trained.   When I’m...

A Year Ago:: The Last Things

Y'all. Our quarantine-aversary has come. It has been a year since COVID-19, shut downs, social distancing, and masks became as regular to our lives as queso and Blue Bell ice cream. I remember thinking...

Healthy Comfort Meals for the New Year

2020 has passed. The new year is upon us.  Last month, I ate chocolate pecan pies and sugar cookies. I scarfed creamy macaroni and cheese, and slurped rich beef bourguignon. I baked homemade bread and...

Setting Goals for 2021:: Let’s Not

December 2019 I settled in at my favorite booth at my favorite coffee shop, took a sip of my freshly made flat white. I took a minute to savor both the coffee and the absence...

Recipes for a Socially Distant Thanksgiving Dinner

I love this time of year. The chilly weather, hot coffee, the delight of a cozy mystery under a warm blanket. But my favorite part of this time of year is the anticipation of...

A Heart for Learning:: Why I’m Discerning Homeschool for My Children

Homeschooling is a hot topic these days. To homeschool or not to homeschool? That is the question, and this is my answer.  My Experience as a Teacher Before my children were born, I taught Pre-K at...
Houston Moms "Friday Favorites:: A Weekly Glance at Our Favorite Things" #houstonmoms #houstonmomsblog #momsaroundhouston

Friday Favorites:: Edition 3

Snacking A couple of weeks ago, my kids and I started having a tea break in the afternoon. Right after my son's "nap" {read:: playing not so quietly in his room}, I set out a...

For the Love of Reading:: 11 Must Read Books by Black Authors

In the months since the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, many of us have engaged in the valuable work of anti-racist reading. There are many reading lists and recommendations available,...

Natural Family Planning:: Be Empowered in Your Fertility

My husband and I don’t use birth control.  In a world where hormonal birth control and other contraceptives are a hot topic, I always feel a little vulnerable in telling people that. What? You don’t...

National Donut Day:: Donuts Around Houston

Today is National Donut Day! Can I tell you a secret? I don't like donuts.  Even as a kid, donuts were just not my favorite. I mean, I ate them, because #sugar and because all of my...