Ugochi Emenaha
Black History Month: What We’re Reading
One of my students asked me, Why do we have to have a Black History Month? This could be a loaded question, but I responded to him as a student. I told him that...
My View from the Stadium: Will I Let My Son Play Football?
Every fall Friday night for all of my high school career, my parents knew where I was: at a football game. No, I was not a female football player—I was a drill team member....
5 Tips for Finding and Using Your Voice at Work
When I first moved to Houston, I started a job in a leadership role that was less than ideal for my situation. I was in a new city, had a new job, and I...
Books to Revive Your Reading Goals
Did you resolve this year to read more books? The end of summer is the perfect time to revive your reading goals! Here are some of my favorite reads to get you turning pages.
Working Women Unite: 3 Tips for Finding Work-Life Balance
Does work-life balance does exist? Yes, it does. Well, sort of. Although you are a mom, an employee, and a person, you can't do everything. As a single parent, I have to remind myself...
How to Make Black History Month Part of Your Family Values
One of my students asked me why we celebrate Black History Month. I explained to him that when we first learned of COVID-19 we were told to wash our hands, give each other space,...
Reddit Babysitter and the Police Call: It’s a Tie, You Both Lose
Houston Moms is always proud to offer differing perspectives on a range of issues from our diverse team. For another take on this news story about the Reddit babysitter and the police call, check...
Daddy’s Girl: Grieving while Parenting
Losing a parent—or anyone around the holidays- seems like next level cruelty. But here we are. I want to first say that I am writing this in tears, but I am still writing. It...
Reclaiming Your Time: How and Why to Take a Social Media Break
Last June, I took a social media break. It didn’t quite go as planned. I hadn’t realized how many ways I was logged into my Facebook account, and how easy it would be to...
National Book Lovers Day:: A Love Letter to Books
Dear Friend,
Why do we need to celebrate books? Let me tell you why.
To know books is to love them. And every day, I fall in love with their power and finesse. When I was...