Abandoning “Should”:: You Don’t Have to Do it All
Recently two of my favorite podcasters, Sarah Stewart Holland & Beth Silvers from Pantsuit Politics, were discussing the concept of "abandoning should". The comment was made that in 2020, we all had way too...
A Relationship on the Rocks: Setting Boundaries with Zuckerberg
Recently I took a much needed break from Facebook. Facebook breaks are not unfamiliar to me, but my prior breaks from Facebook were certainly less complicated. I took a long break 12 years ago...
Friday Favorites:: My Top 10 Best Quarantine Purchases
My friends and family know that if there's a cool new product or gadget, chances are that I've at least seen it or purchased it online already. If you are a developer launching a...
A Shot of Hope:: My Decision to Join a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial
My hope is that by participating in this COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial, I am helping medical researchers speed the time to getting more shots into arms.
10 Random Acts of Kindness in the Age of COVID
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day and I think we can all agree that the world could benefit from a bit more kindness in general these days. When I started thinking about the...
The Gift of Life:: Why Donating Blood is a Priority for Our Family
Vicki's Story
My first time donating blood was in March of 1999. I was a junior at Katy High School and a member of the health professions program offered through my school district's career center....
Thanksgiving Appetizers Everyone Will Be Thankful For This Year
Ahh, the holidays. The time of year when you either transform overnight into a pumpkin spice latte sippin', fuzzy boot wearin', Hallmark movie watchin' junkie or a panic stricken, stressed out zombie. Regardless of...
A Global Pandemic and Tiny Humans are Making My Career Decisions
Contributor Vicki shares her experience in making a career change and reflects on how the Coronavirus and her children influenced her decision.
His, Mine, and Ours:: Managing My Family Finances
I have a confession:: I am super weird about money. Not weird about money like I am one of those mega savers that rinses out zipper bags to pinch pennies and no, I don't...
Preserving the Chaos:: Creating Your Family’s Coronavirus Time Capsule
I would be telling you a gigantic lie if I denied the fact that I have spent the past few months of quarantine wishing away the year 2020 entirely. With each new month that...