With the weather warming up and blue skies here to stay, I’ve found myself out and about with Skeeter more frequently.  We spend a lot of time at the park and on weekend play dates with friends.  And the...
Quiz time :: what is the significance of Cinco de Mayo?  Many people think it is Mexican Independence Day, but it is not - that holiday is September 16!  Go poll some of your friends and co-workers if you...
I couldn't wait to buy new bras after I finished nursing my daughter.  The only new bras I have purchased over the past 3 years have mostly been nursing bras.  I was overdue and, needless to say,  these boobs...
I wanted to do a follow-up to my previous post on toddler nutrition and meal ideas and share how to work healthy eating into your daily life. I am a working mom, and my husband is a business owner....
Lately, it seems like subscription box services are popping up everywhere!  There are boxes for the fashionista, boxes for the foodie, and heck - there are even boxes for Fido, your four legged friend.  And while all of them...
Confession :: The notion of sending my kids off for a week to live and sleep with strangers seems counter-intuitive to me. It just doesn't seem natural. We are not even big on sleepovers. Except at my house. *grinning* ...
Dear Step-Mom, We KNOW you're out there.  We know many of you are reading.  And guess what we know most of all???  According to studies done, YOU are among the most vulnerable to depression, burn-out, and feeling like the outsider...
Over here in our world, like I'm sure with many of you, we are BUSY. The type of busy that has your mind moving faster than you can physically keep up with. And with all our commitments and to-do...
Y'all...have you noticed the weather lately?  It's not too hot, it's not too cold, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing {sometimes a little too much}...Spring is here in Houston!  Spring is by far my favorite season.  Time...
When my husband and I were stuck deep in the mire of infertility, I encountered some commentary that surprised me. Surprised me with how much they could hurt, like daggers to my already tender heart. No doubt that the...



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