Welcome to Bump Diaries – a pregnancy series on Houston Moms Blog! Becky is expecting, and here she will share her journey – the good AND the ugly – with all of you. It is sort of like an homage to the original mommy blog where we provide a little peek into the life of a {pregnant} mom.
We are getting SOOOOO close!!!! After this post there will only be one more post until sweet Chandler girl makes her big debut {as long as she stays put}. I am feeling every bit of 8 months pregnant. However, strangers have a really hard time believing I’m not past my due date. Every single place I go, I am asked if I need to sit down or given the ever popular, “Well, you are about to pop.” Which you all know already that my favorite response is to look dumbfounded and say flatly, “I’m not pregnant.” I’m evil when I’m pregnant. Bwahahahahaahahaha.
I will tell you that the pregnancy is getting really hard again. I have definitely exited the second trimmest bliss {which didn’t really kick in for me until 20 something weeks} and entered into the final stretch of the third trimester.
I try not to complain because I really am grateful to be pregnant. I remember docs telling me this could not happen for me. I have so many friends who struggle to conceive or are unable to completely. Yet, this third trimester with 2 other young kids is kicking my butt.
However, that could be because I have decided to do the most extreme form of nesting — move with just a couple weeks left in the pregnancy. Yes, our family has decided to move to The Woodlands to be closer to my husband’s job. So our days have been filled with staging the house, getting out of the house for showings, getting paperwork signed on the offer we chose, getting out of the house for inspection and appraisal, looking for a new house in The Woodlands, and now lots of packing. Packing when you are carrying a human being on the front of you is not for the faint of heart. I keep telling myself, this is so much easier to do now than with a newborn. So my nesting is being put to good use getting this house ready!
For fun, I thought I’d share with you one of my favorite pictures to take each pregnancy. In our family, our “problem area” is our bellies. So I really love to get the belly profile pic with my Dad and Pawpaw. I don’t know why, but I think it is hilarious. My dad said that I won the competition by a belly button.
Month 8 symptoms {weeks 28 – 32} ::
{Reminder :: I share all kinds of symptoms, so if you know me personally and don’t want to know me that personally, you might want to skip this. Or if you are sort of grossed out, maybe skip this too.}
- No filter. I’m not sure if this is a pregnancy symptom, but let’s blame it on pregnancy. I have no filter when pregnant. Which I think is hilarious. Other’s might find it embarrassing.
- All brain cells are gone. Like they have completely and totally disappeared. I used to be an intelligent person. That is no longer true. My husband and I frequently laugh at me, and I just reply, “I miss myself. I miss my brain.”
- Vagina bone pain {I told you I would be honest}. I’m sure there is an official medical name for this, but I don’t know it. So we will just call it what it is. I will tell you that if you have had this symptom too, then I highly recommend getting a maternity belt. You will feel like you work at Costco or for a moving company, but you will feel instant relief.
- The puking is back. Boooooooooo! I thought it had finally passed, but turns out it was just a reprieve for month 7.
- Lower back pain. I’m sure if you are physically active this would be less, I’m just not physically active past chasing around my kiddos.
- The snoring. I feel so bad for my sweet husband.
- So thirsty. Can’t get enough water. Which leads too…
- All the peeing. I try to cut myself off after 8pm so I’m not up all night, but it still leads to having to go potty every 2 hours. And while we are speaking about peeing… sneezing, coughing, or laughing too hard can be very dangerous.
- Kicking where you can see actual body parts. I know this freaks some people out, but I absolutely adore it! I’ve never been one of those pregnant moms who can tell what body part it is. How do you really know if it’s a knee or an elbow? A foot or a punch? Either way, it is absolutely precious and a total blast!
- Braxton Hicks contractions are getting stronger and more consistent. Thankfully, nothing to worry about. With my last two pregnancies I had to stop labor once with my first at 5 1/2 weeks and twice with my second at 7 1/2 weeks and 4 weeks. These Braxton Hicks contractions seem stronger than what I remember, but they always taper off. Which is a miracle because with all the packing, I really can’t get {or don’t want to get} put on bedrest this time.
I feel your pain. ALLLLLL of it. I am three weeks until my due date in May and I feel.. ALLLLL of that. This is my second, and Im so exhausted all the time. I find myself barely able to make it to 10pm without passing out in my chair trying to stream Netflix. Luckily. I haven’t had any nausea but the indigestion is about to drive me mad. It doesn’t matter what I eat. It doesn’t matter IF I eat. About 5:30 pm it kicks in and is a nightmare. On the worst days like.. yesterday it will wake me up out of a dead sleep with my chest and stomach on fire. And then yes, there is the peeing. And the drinking. I think I visit the bathroom every 10-30 minutes and then at night every 1-2 hours.
The kicking I love. My son, when I was pregnant with him didn’t move much. Which is crazy because now he never stops. But this one, man, she moves so much. Everytime I get hooked up to the fetal monitor at the docs they’re like ‘man you have an active baby’ I’m like.. yeah.. yeah I know.
Vagina bone pain! Me too! It is not a happy place to be sore. Though I have to tell you that baths help. When I have a really bad day I’ll go take a bath after my son is in bed for a little while. I did buy a maternity belt. But now it cuts into me in a weird place since I”m so close to the end that I don’t wear it unless I know I’m going to be doing a lot of walking. And for some reason after ‘Bedroom Time’ it is BAD. Like I can barely pee it hurts so much bad, which is when I discovered baths!
I hope you feel better soon! And its fun knowing the little miracle in your belly and ‘fun’ to experience the lesser known non-joys of being huge and pregnant!