
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

So how’s it been going taking pics of your kiddos since checking out some of my favorite photo apps?  Getting any better?  Legs hurting from squatting down?  It’s okay.  Sometimes that’s just how it goes.  But if you want...
Nothing like starting my first "real" post on this little space of the interwebs with a topic like Homeschooling. Gracious. I hope this doesn't put your eyeballs on auto-roll to the back of your head.  A few sweet moms...
We are BEYOND excited that our very own contributor Lauren Perkins is one of four finalists in Live with Kelly and Michael's Unstoppable Moms Contest.  We could go on...and on...and on... about how extraordinary this mama really is, and...
Becky's Story I was 17 when I first heard a doctor tell me, "Your diagnosis won't kill you. At times you won't even notice it. You will more than likely have it the rest of your life." But the worst...
I was privy to a conversation the other day regarding the hiring of Mothers. I didn't like what I was hearing, my abrasive, butting-in side took over, and I quickly gave them a sweet but firm, "HEY, HEY, HEY,...
When my firstborn was a baby, every single day I would think how in the world does anyone have more than one child? I didn't even have a difficult baby, but I just felt like my hands were completely...
As Skeeter's second birthday quickly approaches, I can't help but look back at the past two years - at the ups and the downs, the laughter and the tears, and every time I've held that sweet baby in my...
Chelsea's Story I became a mother when I was 20 years old, in college, single, and living in a teeny tiny apartment.  Let me clarify - this was when I became a mother to Tucker, my precious chihuahua baby.  If you don't consider...
All day long, I'm surrounded by technology...heck, who am I kidding? I'm IMMERSED by technology. At work, my job revolves around my work issued laptop and my iPhone, along with my iPad. When I get home, it is like...
I used to have this vision of myself in my Gap khakis and loafers speeding up to the kid pick up line with the sunroof open on the Mini blasting Snoop Dogg.  And greet the teachers while wearing a...



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