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No parent ever wants to have a baby in the NICU.  As a NICU mom, I wouldn't wish that experience upon my worst enemy.  Ever since we left the NICU almost four years ago, I've had friends {and even...
Over the last 10 years, my husband and I have lived in 8 different neighborhoods. Some were fancy, others modest; some were bustling, others quiet; some were friendly, others… not so much. But when the right neighborhood and, more...
Our neighbors are moving. From the moment I witnessed their for-sale stake hit the ground, I devised a plan. Part 1 :: Ask hubby to mow the yard. Part 2 :: Remind hubby to mow the yard. Part 3...
With every advance, technology has a ‘wow’ factor wooing us into its world, and sometimes away from what matters most. When locked into the screen of our cell phone, we tend to neglect the people and experiences at hand....
When I get on Facebook, boobs flood my newsfeed. And for those wondering, no I haven’t been targeted because of some bad porn habit. I am a photographer, and boobs are very en vogue in my industry at the moment.  Most...
I'm pregnant. Like I'm staring down the 20-week milestone, and I think I've shared the information with a handful of actual people. I promise it's not for lack of excitement about a new baby. But being pregnant after miscarriage{s} and feet soaking...
Warning :: Rant ahead. I'll try to keep it under control, but there are no promises. Let's get something straight that has been on my mind since our twins burst onto the scene 5 years ago. My husband is NOT the...
Snapchat. Why in the world would a grown woman and mother of two be writing about Snapchat? It’s supposed to be reserved for teenage/20-something horn dogs who need a covert channel to send explicit images/videos to one another. Sure....
As a mom of two young boys, I am regularly asked if I’m going to “try for a girl.” So many thoughts run through my head when someone carelessly asks me such an ignorant question... First of all, I am fairly...
I am scared to go to the grocery store now. And not just because of the chaos that ensues with kids in tow and those hellacious mini carts. But actually, truly scared - for our safety. I'm not typically a...



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