
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

When you first get married, you are constantly asked the inevitable question - When are you going to have kids? My husband and I didn’t give the world much time to ask that. My first {and only baby thus far} is...
I’m an organized, functioning adult...most of the time. And I want to be that person all the time. The reality of that? Doesn’t always happen. Okay...I’d say 40% of the time doesn’t happen. Why? Oh, just plain ‘ol life...
Becoming a parent is probably the best and scariest thing that can happen to a person. There is no manual or handbook on how to raise a little person. However, there are tons of people willing to share their...
We’ve all heard stories about that mother-in-law. The one that shows up at your doorstep unannounced. The one that is overly critical of everything that you do. The one that photobombed all of your first pictures of you holding...
You're in the grocery store and strewn across the racks of the checkout line are magazine covers with so-and-so-famous in a bikini, 3 months postpartum, and she’s telling us how she got her body back. You roll your eyes...
Forget episodes of Sex and the City. So long Dateline and CSI-Miami. Your free TV time is now probably filled up with TV shows your kids like watching. Ahhhh... kids TV shows. We love them, we hate them. We...
Throughout my life, my definition of family has been redefined. As an only child and first-generation American, I understood my family to be my mom and my dad. I knew no relatives, no aunts or uncles, or cousins. It...
As we all know, being in the newborn fog is tough. You aren’t sleeping, you are feeding on demand, and you have turned into a human burp rag overnight. Your living room looks like a bomb went off, the...
The city of Houston is a little over 600 square miles, so it's safe to say that most of us spend a fair amount of time in our cars.  Usually with little companions with us barking orders from the backseat....
“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...



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