I rarely do New Year’s resolutions, mainly because let’s be honest … I stink at keeping them. Sure, I can run strong with them for 30 days or so, but that’s about max. In fact, that may be generous. So last year, I decided to start my New Year with a word {or phrase} that I hope would define the next 365 days. Being a writer, that just makes more sense to me, and it’s something I feel is manageable all year long. To stay committed, I even had a necklace engraved with “Be Still” as my reminder of my pledge for 2016.
So this year, along with thinking of my inspiring “words,” I thought I’d see if anyone else on the Houston Moms Blog Team would like to join me in selecting one word or one phrase to help define their year. And wow, y’all! As they rolled in, I was encouraged and uplifted by each one. My hope is that you will be too, and perhaps get the wheels turning for your mantra of the year. Without further adieu…
Our 2017 Words & Phrases of the Year
I originally came up with “Let Go of Perfection,” but I think a more punchy of a phrase is, “Done is Better than Perfect.” I’ve always been one to “just do it/get it done.” But recently, with more knowledge and experience, expectations of perfection and achievement {mostly from myself} are paralyzing. Next thing I know, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to perfectly do something, and by the time I do it just how I like, there’s not enough time to follow the plan. The result ends up imperfect anyway. So, now, when I find myself overanalyzing, I have to tell myself to let go of perfection and whatever I do will be good enough because I’m actually doing it versus not.
Give More. Give more patience, more understanding, more forgiveness, more time, more advice, more kindness. Give more freely, give monetarily, and give more LOVE. Actively working to always serve can be uncomfortable at times, and tiring, and it stretches one’s soul. But the reward is the true understanding of abundance. As we enter 2017, I will once again strive to live generously and give myself the forgiveness when I wander astray.
It’s just like a magic penny,
Hold it tight and you won’t have any.
Lend it, spend it, and you’ll have so many
They’ll roll all over the floor.
Be Kind and Brave. My challenge right now is how to be kind, offering grace and empathy, while at the same time being brave and speaking up about those things that I feel so strongly. It’s a tricky balance, and I don’t always get it right.
Focus. I often lose focus and get wrapped up in trivial things that steal my joy and my time. I have several personal and professional goals that are so important and deserve all of my focus and attention this year, so that’s exactly what I’m going to strive to do: just focus.
“For I know the plans I have … plans to prosper you and not harm you.” {Jeremiah 29:11} As a mom, I don’t always feel as in control or on top of my game as my Type A personality would prefer. In times of chaos, confusion, or wanting to rip my hair out, this verse is a reminder of all the good I’ve seen in my life. The obvious good. The less than obvious good from life’s hurts and disappointments. It’s knowing that I don’t have to be the perfect mom and have all the answers. Regardless of my own understanding, I choose to believe God has a plan and that it’s one that has my best interest in mind. Here’s to 2017 and toning down that level on the Type-A control barometer!
Jesus, I trust in you. I’m always in the need to control or know how things are going to play out. Being like this has drained me, so this is a motto that I’ve been using to help me let go of the unknown and trust in God’s plan. We teach the kids to say this or pray this when they are uncertain about things as well.
Ana T.
Revive. There are parts of me that died nearly 2 years ago when life came crashing down. I built up walls and defenses to block off those parts of myself… to stop feeling them… to focus on raising my daughter. Year 1 I dug deep and we survived. Year 2 little buds of hope emerged as we began to thrive. Year 3 all of of me… even the parts that scare me to revisit yet make me whole… will be revived. For myself and my daughter.
Simplify. It seems like life can get so complicated. In 2017, I hope to quit striving for more, more, more and to just focus on a few simple things :: Jesus, my family, my friends.
Me. For as long as I can remember, everything, everyone, every circumstance has come before myself. {This is of my own doing, mind you.} In 2017, I plan to take back my own self by saying no to things that are stressful or that I do out of obligation, doing things that promote my health, and putting my family {Don and the kids} first above all else.
More cowbell. I think it will remind me to add the whimsy to things and to just go all the way with it in a crazy, silly, awesome way. I tend to forget the spark and the fun when I’m just trying to get it all done. We need more cowbell.
Invest. In 2017, I want to invest in what breaks my heart. Ideally, it’s a charity/non profit that our family can become involved in. I want to support an organization in ways beyond our financial gifts. I want to invest more of me in my family and less of me in my phone/social media. There’s a whole life happening outside of my phone. I want to invest more time in the friends I love, and establish deeper connections with them. In 2017, I hope to invest in our neighbors and settle into our {new} home. This year will lead us to decision about a third baby. Whatever that decision is, I want to invest and wholeheartedly believe that it’s the best choice for our family. No turning back. No regrets. I would also like to invest in my marriage and spending more quality time together, without kids, friends, or phones. Just us.
365 Days. 365 Chances.
I teach my girls this and live by it. Each day brings new opportunities. Yesterday is in the past; leave it there. Learn from mistakes and try again. Each day is a new day to smile, learn, laugh, love. Only you can decide what type of day you’ll have.
Be Fearless. As I reflect on 2016 and look forward to 2017, I want to live free of fear. There have been so many times in my 36+ years that I don’t take the plunge, don’t take on the new project, or head out on a new adventure because I’m scared. Scared to fail. Scared that God won’t meet me where I am. Scared that I won’t be enough. This year, I want to be FEARLESS. Fearless in my work life, in my family life, and in my church life. The biggest blessings of my life have always come when I’ve stepped out on faith fearlessly, with an open mind and heart. I pray that continues in 2017.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” {Isaiah 41:10}