Tis the season for getting all the things delivered! With shipping delays and an upended supply chain, our delivery drivers are working incredibly hard to bring your items straight to your doorstep. I don’t know about you, but at least once a day now I see my friendly UPS driver, my good man Vern. Always hustling and always smiling. Our family loves to treat these hard-working men and women, and what better way than a basket of goodies just for them? For a sweet touch, add a note on the basket so they know to pick up an item or two. {FREE printable below for you to use!}
Suggested Items for Delivery Drivers Snack Basket:
- Bottled water
- Gatorade
- Variety chip bags
- Granola or energy bars
- Small bag of pretzels or goldfish
- Peanut butter crackers
- Individually packaged cookies
- Fruit that doesn’t need to be washed {ie: oranges & bananas} Just make sure you are checking those daily!
And that’s it! A super simple way to make your delivery drivers feel appreciated this holiday season. Consider adding these items to your next grocery order and let’s spread some love around our Houston porches this year. Grab your *FREE* printable below!
Delivery Driver Thank You
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