Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably noticed that the weather outside has been absolutely BE-AUTIFUL! After such a long, cold winter, the bright sunshine on my face, sangria in my cup, and flip-flops on my feet have been a welcome breath of fresh air for my soul and a pleasant reminder that my most favorite time of year is quickly approaching.
As I am sure you will all agree, Springtime in Houston is perfectly delightful. The outside temps are ideal, the sun is almost always shining, and you can spend every waking moment outside without freezing your tush off or drowning in sweat. And one of my fave pastimes of the season is sitting on the back patio with my hubs, watching the kiddos run and play, and sipping on a delicious cocktail. {Sounds amazing, does it not?} So with the weather so nice this weekend, I decided that it was officially time to dust off my carafe and experiment with some ingredients to find a fun new drink for the season. And mamas – I hit the jackpot with the very first concoction I tried!
This perfect white wine sangria was born by combining a few Pinterest searches {of course!}, a stroll through my grocer’s wine selection {which is quite amazing BTW!}, and a raid of my very own refrigerator {we ALWAYS have lots of fresh fruit on hand which I love for a spring cocktail!}. Once I had all of the ingredients I wanted to use gathered, it was simply a matter of chopping, mixing, and tasting. With the tasting part being my favorite of the three tasks. Not to toot my own horn – toot, toot! – but I pretty much nailed it with this drink. So of course, I just have to share it with all of you!
The Perfect White Wine Sangria
Serves :: 2-4…depending upon how thirsty your guests are!
- 1 Bottle White Wine {I chose a Chardonnay because it is easy to drink on it’s own and lends itself well to fruit.}
- 1 Bottle Sparkling Wine {Go with a berry flavored one for a little something extra. I did!}
- 1 Bottle Sparkling Water w/ Natural Citrus Flavor
- Splash of Peach Schnapps
- Handful of Fresh Fruit {Limes, strawberries, and apples all work great!}
- Wash all of the fruit well and then slice very thin. For a pretty presentation, cut all of the fruit in circles. To just get the job done, cut them however it is easiest for you. Set aside.
- Optional Step :: Flash freeze the fruit by spreading the slices out in a single layer on a wax paper lined tray and then putting them in the freezer for a few hours until they are nice and frozen. Makes for some very pretty and really yummy “ice” cubes!
- Pour white wine, sparkling wine, and sparkling water in a large pitcher. If you are making smaller batches {like I did in my beloved carafe}, just do a little math and divide the liquids accordingly.
- Pour in a splash of peach schnapps…or two! Seriously, don’t get out a measuring cup or worry too much about perfect amounts with this recipe. It will be delicious. I promise!
- Add a handful of your sliced fresh fruit.
- Stir just until mixed and bubbly.
- Enjoy this sangria!
The entire HMB Team is getting together tomorrow night for a photo shoot with Momma’s Gonna SNAP Photography and then a meeting {aka party} to talk about plans for the Spring, and I am so excited to share this yummy sangria drink with all of them! Catch us on Instagram for real time pictures throughout the evening and then be sure to snag your tickets to our HMB Girls Day at Girls Only! so that you can enjoy a fun day and maybe even a glass of wine with us too. Cheers, mamas…and here’s to all that the coming months bring!
nice! looking forward to a glass.
What makes this sangria sweet-ish? Is the sparkling wine sweet or does the peach schnapps make it sweet?