An Ode to My Older Friends

The other day, I had an astonishing realization. Since moving to Houston in July 2017, I have made many more older female friends. I don’t know if this is a side effect of being a trophy wife available during the day or what, but at 45 and with young kids {and youthful personality, I hope}, I have usually been the older friend. On the flip side, I am so grateful for my older friends and wanted to honour them today with an ode…

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog
To Pam, with her unabashed faith, who introduced me to southern spunk and resilience in the storm, literally.

To Sue, who despises Houston traffic in a way that makes a whole table dissolve into laughter, and keeps a right perspective on the trials of the sandwich generation.

To Mary, whose passion is gardening and whose love for her husband and friends is best expressed through her Lebanese dishes and hospitality.

To Sarah, who takes time and care to make sweet syrup from scraps, and doesn’t that pretty much embody a life?

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog
To Elisa

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, who is tiny but fierce, who has lived a thousand lives, who reinvented herself in her fifties and learns anything she needs to know while balancing the pursuits of her artistic thoughtful soul and offering encouragement for this wandering Canadian woman.

To Jan, a tall woman with purple hair currently. This is not the old lady once-a-week wash; this is a bold purple right in the front. I haven’t heard yet the story behind the purple hair, but I know there is one and Jan will unfold it with wit and wisdom because that’s just her way.

To Andrea, who has emerged from grief and loss still serving other women, who is matter-of-fact but full of love and welcoming for anyone who crosses her path.

To June, who knows who she is and what she likes, who is walking the path of parenting an adult child with Autism and does so with perserverance, love and hope that humbles and inspires the rest of us.

To Mare, my soul sister and just a few steps ahead of me but just enough that I know I can look to how she handles the stressors of 40-something life {and teenagers} for guidance. Her gentle ways are salve in an abrasive world.

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog
To Kathy, my reminder that an older person with a cane can walk a million journeys and keep right on, with a little support. She shares snippets of her extraordinary life like they’re no big deal, where lesser stories have been made into movies. She reminds me to ask more questions, to learn more stories, and save them into this collective story of women.

To Mary, my Texas big sister. She lives the truth that being present is the best way to listen. Her humility and encouragement have buoyed me, and she is who comes to mind when I hear the words “delight in life.”

To Sheryl, who is officially a leader, but more importantly, she unofficially leads through her kindness, grace, and humour which is, I suppose, the only way to survive and thrive in a world where hundreds of women together would otherwise spell certain disaster.

To Lisa, whose boisterous persona belies her insightful heart. She can put the nail on the head with a few sentences and sum up the experience of what we who have moved internationally and given up our careers have gone through. She also makes excellent popcorn and shares a love of Outlander day dates.

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog

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To Suzie, my almost-Canadian friend, who ought to have been a lawyer. She WILL get what she wants and she’ll also get you what she wants for you. She is prepared for anything and has a heart {and pantry} ready to gather the whole state of Texas.

To Billie-Sue, who couldn’t be more Texan. How lucky am I to be a literal neighbour to Texas hospitality? I could knock on her door for anything and she’d answer and then some. I wouldn’t be surprised to find a “tease it to Jesus” hair T-shirt in her closet.

To Joi, who is good company in a group full of younger moms. She is laugh-out-loud funny and doesn’t mince the truth about this stage but does so in a way that makes you know it’s all going to be alright.

To Gaye, a recent friend who is 85 years old, impeccable in her signature style from head to toe, but what makes her remarkable is her mindset. She has survived cancer and, well, life, but is still is eager to learn and grow. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is.

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog
Reading all that, I realize a few things ::

Motherhood or lack thereof does not define us as we get older so we better invest in ourselves.

We need women in front and behind. We can all be inspired by each other.

My life is richer because of my older friends. I’m a better mother and a better person.

Who do YOU sing your ode to today?

An Ode to My Older Friends | Houston Moms Blog


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  1. I love your article! I’m 46 with a 3 year old recently moved to Houston from NY, and am starving for substantial women friends, preferably older. Harder to do with a young’un. 🙂


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