Chelsea P

Chelsea P
Chelsea is a native Houstonian now residing in Sugar Land. She is married to Jason who she met at the Houston Rodeo of all places! Together they have two boys, Jack {May 2013} and Colin {October 2015} along with their puppy brother, a Chihuahua named Tucker. Chelsea spends Monday through Friday working full-time in the healthcare industry in marketing and business development in order to keep up with her online shopping and Starbucks addiction. She can win any pop-culture game you throw her way, enjoys long strolls through Target and Sephora, and believes that anything can and should be monogrammed. You can follow Chelsea’s daily adventures over at The Perfect Catch Blog or on Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest as @ChelseaPurifoy.

Dear Working Mommy-To-Be

I'm sure most moms-to-be are working, so let me clarify...  This is for all of the moms-to-be and new moms who plan to return to work {outside of the home} after maternity leave.  That title...

The Cutest Target Dupes for Fall

Who doesn't love Target?  It's my sanctuary.  A place where I can run off to and not feel guilty because it's for the family since I need items like toilet paper and diapers, but...

Delayed Milestones :: My Kid Doesn’t Walk

Hello, my name is Chelsea, and my seventeen month old son is not yet walking.  Before you gasp, get judgy, or pat yourself on the back for having a walker, I can assure you...

Mom’s Guide to Subscription Boxes

By now I'm sure you have heard all about subscription boxes - a monthly fee to get a fun little surprise in the mail.  The popularity of subscription boxes started out a few years...

Mom Style for Fall :: Animal Print

I had so much fun paying tribute to my favorite Herringbone Vest that after an incident happened last week at a birthday party, I knew I must do the same for my go-to print...

Dear New Mom :: It Gets Better

One  of my best friends is pregnant and due in February which has me thinking a lot about advice that I can pass on to her.  Like me, she is a total planner, advice...

Breastfeeding :: Making it Work as a Working Mom

{Click image above for more stories of inspiration, encouragement, and support.} Disclaimer :: I know everyone is technically a "working mom" - but the title 'Making It Work as a Mom Who Works Outside the Home'...

Sounds of Summer in Houston {Best Venues & Upcoming Shows}

One of my favorite things about Houston is all of the great spots for live music and the variety of shows that roll through town - especially in the summer.  I even interned and...

An Important Reminder About Leaving Your Child in the Car

This is not a feel good post.  It doesn't have a fun printable or a catchy title.  It was not fun to write, and it probably won't be fun to read.  If you read...

The Most Helpful Apps for Moms

Sad as it may be, moms these days {myself included} aren't far from their smart phones at any given time of the day.  I usually have mine tucked away in my back pocket ready...