Connie G

Connie G
Connie, better known as Momma of Dos, is a born and raised Texan. She grew up in a small Texas town near the Mexican border before moving to Houston in 1999 to attend the University of Houston where she received her Bachelor’s in Psychology. She has worked in the non-profit and governmental sectors most of her career. These days she works around the clock to take care of her little Mexican-American family both in and outside the home. Her family is composed of the Hubby who is also a University of Houston graduate and her Dos – Camila, a 2 year old Diva, and Santiago, a 3 year old Legend. You can check out the community she has created where mommas can relate, share, and LOVE on one another over at Momma of Dos.

Connie :: How I Became a Mother

Connie's Story When I started college in 1999, I swore never to date and to be strictly involved in my studies. I was going to...

Fitness Friday :: Get Fit Outside the Box

Life becomes busy and we start to battle with everything that needs to get done. One battle that always loses with me is my...

Volunteering in Houston

Volunteer work has always been so important to me. By the time I had graduated high school, I had already volunteered at our local...

Holidays in Houston :: Posadas

Posadas A large part of what has shaped my life and makes me who I am, as well as what I want my children to...

DIY :: Holiday Wreaths

Are you trying to prepare for the holidays but feel like something is missing? The holidays are my favorite time of the year to decorate,...

PaPa Mo’s Deli {Sponsored}

Attention Houston moms...I have found a gem of a restaurant right here in our own backyard that offers delicious homestyle food at incredibly affordable...

5 Ways to De-Stress

We do a lot as moms, or should I say - we do A LOT as moms. And no matter how organized or scheduled...

A Toddler No More

The question of the weekend seemed to be - when does a child stop being a toddler? And my answer was the moment I...
Origami Owl Custom Jewelry's lockets. 30 days of giveaway series

Origami Owl {30 Days of Giveaways}

When I think about all of our giveaways so far, I think about gifts for the upcoming holidays. Come on, I know you're thinking...
ABC's of Connie. Houston Mom's collaborator.

ABC’s of Me :: Connie

All About Me :: I am a Momma of Dos. I grew up most my life in South Texas.  I love to travel - and...