Marisa Cockrell
7 Hazard Lights that Warn Your Marriage May Need a Tune-Up
Don’t you wish your marriage came with hazard lights? Come on; we get indicators that our laundry is done in the dryer, that our gas is running low in our car, or that we...
7 Signs It’s Time to Put your Teen in Counseling
Deciding when to get your teen in counseling is not always black and white. Parents can feel nervous about this step and potentially feel unsure about the stigma that comes with having their child...
Ask Houston Moms: 4th Edition
Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy, nor does it constitute a client/therapist relationship. If you are in crisis, call the crisis hotline at 600-273-TALK.
First Crushes
Ask Houston Moms, Edition 3
Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy, nor does it constitute a client/therapist relationship. If you are in crisis, call the crisis hotline at 600-273-TALK.
Teaching My...
Ask Houston Moms: Edition 2
Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy, nor does it constitute a client/therapist relationship. If you are in crisis, call the crisis hotline at 600-273-TALK.
The Sex...
Ask Houston Moms: Edition 1
Disclaimer: The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy, nor does it constitute a client/therapist relationship. If you are in crisis, call the crisis hotline at 600-273-TALK.
Teen Privacy...
5 Ways to Improve your Relationship with your Teen
Getting into screaming matches over simple things you ask them to do? Feeling like you want to give up because your relationship with your teen seems irreparable? Struggling to connect with them in any...