Wow.  As of midnight, Houston Moms Blog is officially ONE. YEAR. OLD.  Can you believe it?  We can't. It feels like just yesterday that we were nervously pushing 'Publish' on our very first blog post and busily prepping for our teeny...
“Did you remember your lunch money?” “Did you do your homework?” “Do you remember where your classroom is?” It’s that time of the year again :: back to school. We’ve all spent weeks preparing. The pencils have been sharpened, the first day...
We are so excited to announce... our 1st Birthday Bash!!! Please read through this entire post so you know all of the details for this incredible event, and then be sure to purchase tickets for the whole family soon.  At only $8 a...
Happy Labor Day, Houston moms! Fun fact :: Did you know that this holiday was first established to celebrate workers all throughout the United States?  Well...we can't quite think of ANYONE who works harder than us moms - so by...
You might remember that we hosted an AMAZING play date with our sponsors over at The Little Gym earlier this summer.  We had a full morning of exciting activities, yummy snacks, and serious fun.  Maybe you were one of the...
I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but once I dropped the moolah for my Canon Rebel T3 on a Black Friday sale, I was determined to learn how to use it.  Between online lessons, blogs, forums, and...
Please Note :: This play date was made possible by all of our gracious event sponsors. Thank you to Young Leaders Campus for hosting such a special event, thank you to Lakeshore Learning for the fabulous arts and craft supplies, and a...
Women struggle with saying no. We all do, well most all of us. I hear it from my friends, I hear it from my clients, I hear it from my family, I hear it from my neighbors... "I just...
We live in Houston.  Where the traffic is terrible and the car accidents are as common as donut shops.  When I'm the one stuck in the never ending line of cars waiting to get around an accident, I know...



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