I've spent the last month of my summer "break" attending professional development sessions, studying new curriculum, planning, and making my classroom a warm and welcoming space for the students I will soon meet. Now, here I am, about to report...
Birthday Parties. Back in my day, a birthday party meant a cake. It meant one present from my mom and dad...and maybe a friend over to celebrate. Every few years my parents would let us splurge, but that just meant a...
We cannot believe August is almost over and with it the end of our Summer Book Club!  We've loved letting you choose the books and reading along with you.  It's brought us out of our comfort zones as far...
One  of my best friends is pregnant and due in February which has me thinking a lot about advice that I can pass on to her.  Like me, she is a total planner, advice seeker, and book reader, so...
As a former {and one day will be again!} teacher, I see August as my new year. In the past it's often been a time of reflecting, self-evaluating, seeking improvement, and determining new routines.  I think I carry this into...
Oh, lord. The grocery. I have such a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping. On one hand, I actually kinda love the process. The meal planning {yes, I actually love to meal plan}, the organized list by department, and even...
One of my kids will eat anything.  I mean, ANYTHING!  She literally just ate onions and zucchini out of the salad I was eating.  But the other one?  Well, she is VERY picky.  I am always looking for new...
You may have read this poem along the way, or variations of it. {Found here.} Honestly, until my 30's, ahhh-hem... mid-thirties, I never realized how true it was. The basic premise is that friends come into our life for...
If you know me or have read many of my posts, you probably know that I love a little DIY project. I especially enjoy including a handmade item as part of a gift. Several years ago I bought a...
Dear YOU, Yes, you.  The one who feels like you are ALL alone as you wait {and wait and wait some more} to become a mama.  I sense your pain.  I know you've been crying your eyes out when you...



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