Tiny Hands Forever
Starting a New Tradition
I always knew that when I became a mom I would create family traditions for my family. Growing up, I didn't have many traditions, and it makes me sad that I really don't have...
Meg's Story
I’ve been a performer since the ripe age of three, but motherhood is, by far, the best role I’ve ever taken on. It came to me by surprise, constantly keeps me on my feet, and gives me so...
Gingerbread Houses
Growing up, Christmastime in my house {Sarah's} meant many exciting things, but the one I looked forward to the most was our annual Gingerbread House decorating party! You see, my mother didn't do holiday entertaining half way. Everything...
Amateur Acting on Christmas Eve
I come from what most would consider a pretty large family. Growing up we always spent Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family and Christmas day with my dads. Some of my most...
Stockings Hung with Care
Before Addy came along, the youngest person I spent Christmas with was like 17. We just didn't have many kids around. So in order to get into the Christmas spirit without actually having to do too...
Wow! Jenn had some AMAZING activities to really bring the holidays to life with the little ones in Part 1 of this fun series yesterday. Not sure how I will ever be able to top that, but I'll make...
People keep mentioning how short the season between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day is this year, and as we check day after day off the calendar, I might just agree. After traveling 'home' to Louisiana for a Thanksgiving with...
Hello friends, and happiest of holidays! I'd like to talk with you about a serious problem that affects many, particularly during this time of year. While the season brings much joy, wonder, and merriment, for some it can also...
One of my favorite holiday traditions is actually to record our favorite Christmas memories year after year in our Family Christmas Book. The holidays are so hustled and bustled so for me it's nice to just stop and reflect...
The Easiest {and Cutest} DIY Christmas Projects
I am so NOT a crafty person. I run in the other direction when someone says those three letters :: D-I-Y {do it yourself}. Typically, I would rather D-I-E.
But today I'm bringing you...