This post would be more accurately titled, "What I Wish I Believed About Homeschooling When I Began." It's not that people didn't tell me. I even went to the Homeschool Convention so that professional homeschoolers could tell me some...
2015 :: The Year of ... The Play Date! Has a nice ring to it, yes? Okay, perhaps you've got bigger fish to fry than dedicating an entire year to play dates. Maybe you are getting healthy or reading more...
“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
I am reading a lot of my friends' social media updates and blog posts about being so sad that certain parenting stages are ending, and while I understand the sentiment completely, I haven't experienced it so much. You see... I'm not...
Please Note :: This play date would not have been possible without all of our incredible event sponsors. Thank you to the Houston area Baby Boot Camps for hosting us, thank you to Gluck for the delicious snacks, and a special thanks to...
The movie Frozen.  Wow.  Where do I even begin?  With school out these past two weeks and rain in the forecast pretty much every, loving day - I think my family and I watched it about 8164151 times.  My...
If you've been reading along with us for awhile, you may have noticed Sarah posting Santa pics and hosting Gingerbread House parties while I'm sharing Rosh Hashanah gift ideas and fun Chanukah traditions.  Say Whattttt?!?!?!?  Y'all thought we were...
It can happen before you know it. Even when the warning signs are there, the best of moms can miss them. Until. Until some phrase or whine that reeks of the "gimmes" makes the hairs on the back of...
Is it just me...or are you STILL searching for gift ideas for your kiddos?  I mean, there are just so many ride-ons you can fit in one garage, and so many dolls that can fit in your daughter's arms,...
Looking for our 2015 Houston Holiday Event Guide? >>> CLICK HERE. <<< It's here!  It's here!!  It's finally here!!!  Brace yourselves, mamas ---  our 2014 Houston Holiday Event Guide is officially ready for YOUR viewing pleasure, and we so hope that...



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