My breastfeeding journey isn’t something I like talking about often. The shame of our “breast is best” culture weighs on me heavily, especially in trying times such as these. The guilt I felt - or if I’m being honest,...
It was February 2021. We had just survived the snowpocalypse. Our power was finally on and I was no longer concerned about my three-year-old and one-year-old getting frostbite in our own house. Since we could finally use our fridge...
Hey, You - the Mom of Littles - The one who stays home and just drowns in baby and toddler and motherhood all the livelong day - I have to tell you something. Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you...
It’s time I sold my stroller. It really is. It serves no purpose. It hasn’t been used for over a year. It sits in an already cluttered garage, gathering dust.  Yet, the thought of parting with this defining piece of our baby years...
When I was pregnant with my first son, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of items recommended for babies. Swaddles and wipe warmers and bottles, oh my! Did I really need all of this stuff for my baby's...
I recently had my third baby, and I wasn't even sure I was going to breastfeed this time around. After two failed attempts, the thought of trying and failing a third time seemed daunting. I played it cool by...
I remember the day I came home from the hospital with my first baby snuggled in my arms. I looked down at his tiny little face, breathed in that delicious newborn smell, held him close and wondered...  What on earth...
Nothing seemed to work! After trying for three weeks to master breastfeeding her son, my daughter was ready to give up. “Mom, I’m only doing this because of you,” was the last plea of a young mother fed up...
Let us all agree that feeding babies is hard. It takes a lot of time, energy, and planning no matter how you do it. I am on the tail end of breastfeeding my second baby, and while I intentionally...
If I Had A Dollar... When I’m a parent, I’ll never let my child scream like that in the store. When I’m a parent, I’ll never have a 3 year old who isn’t potty trained.   When I’m a parent, I’ll never let...



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