When we first decided to adopt, I filled my Pinterest boards with all things adoption. From ways to announce our plans, to articles and books on attachment, to children’s books we could read to our adopted kids about the...
If you came here looking for answers on taming the three year old, well, I'm sorry to disappoint, my friends. I don't have a step-by-step guide to figuring out these little wildlings {shout out to my Game of Thrones...
Oh, breakfast.  Why are you so early?  My kids always wake up hungry, and they're not old enough to eat a nice bowl of cereal or instant oatmeal {unless I want to spend the next half hour mopping the...
I absolutely LOVE making fun lunches for my kids, especially around the various holidays.  But let's get real...I barely have time to make them semi-healthy and round lunches most days - let alone remember to grab specialty items from the grocery store or...
Stockings Hung with Care Before Addy came along, the youngest person I spent Christmas with was like 17.  We just didn't have many kids around.  So in order to get into the Christmas spirit without actually having to do too...
You've probably seen the terrifying video that has made the rounds on social media. {If you haven't, you can watch it on YouTube.} It shows twin two-year-olds playing in their room and a dresser falling on one of the...
As commercialized as some people think Valentine’s Day is, I have to admit that I absolutely love this Hallmark-inspired holiday. The overload of pink, the conversation hearts, and the overpriced roses make my heart flutter. Yes, I am a...
When is the last time you and your husband went out on a date without the kids? As our family has grown, it has become harder and harder to have regular date nights. Life gets busy, and all of...
We've had temperatures in the 80s, flipped the calendars another month, and hopefully have consumed at least one pumpkin something or other. Fall is here, my friends {yes, it's still blazing, I know}, and with it comes pumpkin patch...
As a Stay-at-Home and Work-from-Home Mom, I inwardly {okay, lie...outwardly} cheered when my twins reached the oh, so magical age of 18 months. Why? Because it meant I could begin the search for a great preschool/Mother's Day Out program...



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