Family Fun

Read about family fun from Houston Moms Blog!

Usually after Christmas Day, the "Christmas Blues" set in. There is so much excitement and anticipation leading up to the 25th...and then all of a sudden it is over. But school is still out and maybe the hubby has...
You might have noticed that things have been a little bit quiet around here lately, and if you've been reading for awhile - then you know this is when we take our annual {and much needed!} holiday break.  From...
Finals and midterms are coming to a close, and your teens will be excited to have some time off without school responsibilities. With two weeks or more at home where they have access to all the food, TV, and...
If you've been reading along with us for awhile, you may have noticed Sarah posting Santa pics and hosting Gingerbread House parties while I'm sharing Rosh Hashanah gift ideas and fun Chanukah traditions.  Say Whattttt?!?!?!?  Y'all thought we were...
Confession :: While I absolutely love, love, LOVE the holiday season - I always get super stressed out and overwhelmed.  It never fails that I end up in some kind of a December melt down where I'm crying into...
Is it just me...or are you STILL searching for gift ideas for your kiddos?  I mean, there are just so many ride-ons you can fit in one garage, and so many dolls that can fit in your daughter's arms,...
Looking for our 2015 Houston Holiday Event Guide? >>> CLICK HERE. <<< It's here!  It's here!!  It's finally here!!!  Brace yourselves, mamas ---  our 2014 Houston Holiday Event Guide is officially ready for YOUR viewing pleasure, and we so hope that...
Originally, we said we were going to wait until 2015 for another play date.  "It'll be nice to have a break," we said.  "We want to just spend time with our friends and family," we said.  "It's a time to...
Please Note :: This entire play date series would not be possible without all of our wonderful event sponsors! Thank you to The Little Gym of The Woodlands and The Little Gym of  Houston-Memorial for hosting such fun classes, to Chick-Fil-A in The Woodlands and at...
Exercise.  Let's face it, we use the "mom" excuses all the time. "I have kids." "I'm too busy." "I'm too tired." "I don't have the money for a gym membership." "I'll be able to exercise when my kids are older." "My kids need me." "I have...



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