I am an avid reader, and have been for as long as I can remember. Reading is my comfort, my self care, my way to wind down after a long day. Even though reading is a staple of my day to day, I have found that others are often shocked that I am able to read as much as I do. I hear things like “who has the time?” “I can never find books that I like.” “I started a book, but never finished it, and then I felt bad and gave up.” If this sounds familiar, you are in luck! I am going to share my secrets to being able to read more books. Read on {see what I did there?} to find out!
The Challenge :: Finding the Time
I don’t just decide “I am going to read today” and then go pick up a book. I build reading into my routines. We read with our daughter several times a day {Little Blue Truck counts!}. I read before bed as part of my bedtime routine. I carry my Kindle in my purse when I run errands so that I can read during the wait at the doctor’s office or if I stop to get lunch by myself. If you don’t have a Kindle, bring your book with you! Being on an airplane isn’t the only time you can pack a book. Carpool line? Soccer practice? Nursing a baby? Long line at the DMV? Bust out that book!
The Challenge :: Finding the Right Book
I just discovered this one in the past year, and it has been a game changer for me. Ready??? If you start a book……and you aren’t into it…….just STOP READING and switch to a different one. Seriously. I used to stick to books that I had started because I have this rule in my head that if I start something I have to finish it. As a result I would slog through a book that was only ok, or that I really didn’t like. Now, as a committed reader I can do this, but I can imagine that this would never work if you already struggle with reading. I have now started to put aside books that I am not into, and although I feel a tiny whisper of guilt each time, it is getting softer, and I am reading more things I actually love.
So, we’ve established drop it if you aren’t into it. Now, choose a book that you enjoy. If you are into young adult novels, have at it. If historical fiction is your jam, you do you. If you love a thriller that is going to give other people nightmares, get it girl. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable. You don’t have to read non-fiction, self help, or the classics to make it worthwhile. You wouldn’t spend your time watching some mind numbing documentary on TV that you didn’t like, so don’t do that with books. No one is judging you, and if you are afraid they are, get an e-reader. No one can see what is on that thing. Go ahead and read the Harry Potter series again……just me? Cool.
One thing that helps me always have a “next book” is keeping a list of books to read on my phone. If I see it in a bookstore, read an article, or a friend tells me about it, I will add it to the list, and then when it is time to pick a new book I have many to choose from.
The Challenge :: Books Are Expensive
I hear you, books can add up. Especially new books {anyone else *sigh* when their book club chooses the latest bestseller?}. I get most of my books from the library, which makes it very affordable for me to read a lot. Did you know that Harris County Public Library and the Houston Public Library have digital books? You must have a library card to access them, and you can download them to an e-reader or your phone. They also have audiobooks available if that is more your speed.
Congratulations, you’ve read this entire blog post! Now go find a book to read and dive in!
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