How to Help SoCal Wildfire Victims

The winter wildfires in Southern California have impacted tens of thousands. Homes and businesses have been lost, the area is currently under an evacuation order, and the full extent of the damage is not yet known. But we Houstonians know one thing: their community needs ongoing help. With thoughts and prayers extending as far as we can send them, the next step is taking action.

Here are links to several environmental and community organizations devoted to wildfire relief and recovery, which we can follow and support from Houston.

Response and Evacuation Resources

CAL FIRE is California’s state fire agency. Visit the site to learn more about the ongoing incident and emergency response.

Los Angeles County emergency site provides real-time evacuation, shelter, and other alerts. is a media organization offering wildfire mapping and analysis. Donate here.

Watch Duty is a nonprofit organization with real people on-site, offering real coverage and updates on the wildfires and firefighting efforts. Donate here.

Community Support

American Red Cross is providing food, shelter, and health services to residents in need.

California Community Foundation has set up the Wildfire Recovery Fund for both immediate and long-term community needs.

California Fire Foundation is working with local fire agencies and organizations to provide ongoing support to the firefighters, families, and the community.

Direct Relief is based in Southern California but offers global humanitarian and disaster relief. They are currently helping LA residents with medical needs.

Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation provides essential firefighting equipment and funding to the LA Fire Department.

The Salvation Army – SoCal Division Wildfire Fund supports evacuees and first responders of California wildfires.

World Central Kitchen is working with restaurant and food truck partners to provide meals to first responders and families. is offering free, temporary housing for displaced victims of the wildfires. Anyone wishing to host an emergency residence may apply through

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Michelle Meinholz
Michelle originates from Pasadena, TX. She danced her way through high school and then business school at The University of Texas at Austin. After beginning her Human Resources career, Michelle relocated to Wisconsin, snatched up a workplace sweetheart {Jeff} who she lovingly refers to as "Farmboy", and brought him back to Texas, where they have lived since 2011. Michelle and Jeff married in 2014 and welcomed two sons into their lives (2015 and 2018). With two littles in the house, Michelle decided to leave the workforce in 2020 in favor of the SAHM gig. When the business suit came off and athleisure {or PJs} became her new dress code, Michelle discovered her love for writing and macrame. She wrote, illustrated, and self-published two children's books: What Shoes Do Yetis Choose? and Is the Minotaur a Rock Star? and launched her macrame Etsy shop in 2022: When she is not chasing littles or chasing creative endeavors, Michelle is either volunteering on the PTO Board; inhaling a novel on history, spirituality, or fantasy romance; counting down the days until Halloween; being socially awkward; or watching cat videos -- sometimes all at once.


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