It’s Date Night in Houston!

It's Date Night in Houston | Houston Moms Blog

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Valentine’s Day is upon us and it’s all things hearts, flowers and candy! All of those goodies are great, but the one thing I love the most on that special day and on many days, is simply quality time with my husband. I guess you could say that QT is my love language. I cherish going on dates with my husband and whether it is on Valentine’s Day or any other day, investing in my relationship with an uninterrupted {hot} meal, conversation and simply TIME is always a good idea! In the days of constant “noise” and “busyness”, whether it be from the kids, work or social media, making the effort to date your spouse is so important for your relationship!

Going on a date should be fun! Here are a few of our favorite date ideas that are not all dinner and a movie…ok there is something about dinner and a movie, but read on!

The Active Date

There are so many fun places in Houston to go out on an active date, even a sporty date! My husband and I have enjoyed places like TopGolf where you can practice your swing and get a little competitive while enjoying food and drinks. There are also other options such as Indoor Rock Climbing places, bowling alleys that are more geared towards adults, and for those wanting to be a little more adventurous, try conquering a new challenge such as indoor sky diving at iFly…{ahem, hubs…my birthday is coming up}.

A good friend of mine and her husband hire a sitter every so often on Saturday mornings for an active date. Both are avid runners and cyclists so after their run or ride, they head out to their favorite local spot for breakfast. What a great way to start off your day with happy endorphins and connection.

The Romantic Date

When was the last time you enjoyed a hot meal without any interruptions? Without the mommy…mommy…mommy…mommeeeee? While I know that it is grateful music to our ears to hear that sound, sometimes being able to hold a conversation while enjoying a nice meal with your significant other is simply refreshing, and it fills both the mommy and daddy cup. So get dolled up and head out for a romantic night on the town! We like to go into Houston for these rather than stay in our Katy suburb and check out the new places in town. With Houston’s growing and exciting foodie scene, there is no shortage of cool place to try! A change of scenery does the date some good! Recently, we went to The Capital Grille {thanks for the gift card, big bro!} and it was great to just kick back, have a glass of wine and recharge.

Sometimes our date doesn’t involve dinner per se. We’ll have dinner at home and after the kids are in bed we will head to our local bar for a drink or to our favorite dessert spot, Proud Pie. We also love checking out local coffee shops in the area.

There are so many amazing restaurants in Houston that it would be hard to list them all. I am a member of our local Katy/Ft.Bend Foodie Facebook page. That is my go to when looking for a new date night spot! The recommendations are always spot on. Check your area’s local foodie page for suggestions!

The Day Date

Have you tried a Day Date? Drop the kids off at MDO or at school and meet up for lunch. Or better yet, if you can, take a day off from work and sneak off to lunch and a movie! We love the Alamo Drafthouse or Studio Movie Grill. Food and a movie? Check!

Or how about a date to Buffalo Bayou Park? Take a blanket and pack a picnic lunch while enjoying a beautiful downtown Houston backdrop. You can also bike the park or take a tour of the cisterns. Lastly, Houston has some really neat breweries. Check out St. Arnold, Karbach, 8th Wonder or No Label. Can’t pick one? Head to the Truck Yard in EaDo and pick your sample!

So, I get it. Sometimes going on a date can be expensive, especially if you have to hire a babysitter. Maybe start up a babysitting co-op with a few other families and trade weekends. Many area churches also offer Parent Date Nights where you can drop off the kids for a couple of hours and the cost is pretty affordable. We also work in a monthly date night into our budget. Sometimes its a nicer evening, sometimes its just coffee, but ultimately it is TIME with your spouse.

Life gets hectic, kids drive you batty and along the way that spark that initially brought you together can get stale. Getting out of the house, changing the scenery and opening the lines of communication can help re-ignite that spark and keep relationships strong. So on this Valentine’s Day and on a whole lot of other days, may you find the time to indulge in one another and remember why he or she was “the one”.

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Maria G
Maria is a Cuban born, Miami raised, officially made-it-to-Texas mom of 3 who has called the Katy area home for the past 11 years. Growing up in Miami has played a central role in Maria's cultural identity and how she is raising her kiddos. While attending Florida International University {Go Panthers!}, she met a cute boy named Alex. He had the most amazing smile and a head full of hair and since getting married and adding Daniel {November 2007}, Nicolas {January 2010} and Matteo {June 2011} to the family, he now has no hair but still an amazing smile! Maria was lucky enough to travel to far away places during her time working for a large international firm but switched gears after having kids to focus on another passion – helping people through fitness. She believes we are always a work in progress and we shouldn’t be afraid to reinvent ourselves! When she’s not chasing her three boys, Maria enjoys date nights, distance running, binge watching HGTV and enjoying a little vino with her friends!


  1. My husband and I lobe to do Day dates. We usually head out to the beach with some wine and cheese/meat tray. It is simply amazing and oh so romantic.❤ Great article!


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