Organize Family Photos and Videos with Ease

Houston Moms is proud to partner with local businesses like Doorstep Digital that make life easier for moms!

I love to scroll through my old family photos. It’s so sweet to relive those precious and exhausting early days of new motherhood and show my kids how they’ve grown. I also love looking through my grandmother’s stacks of old photo albums. It’s a way of bringing the past into the present and I hope to carry those family memories on into the future, sharing them with my own children and grandchildren one day.

Photos, videos, old documents, and artwork really connect us to our most precious memories and even our own family history. But the sheer amount of family photos and videos can pile up. It’s a challenge to keep our family memories safe, organized, and preserved. Doorstep Digital was founded for just such a challenge. They can help busy moms take care of those precious family memories so they will last for generations to come. And even better? They come right to your doorstep! 

How Doorstep Digital can help Houston Moms:

man standing in front of Doorstep Digital van

Digital Archiving and Scanning

No need to mail off your priceless photo and video collection. With Doorstep Digital, Local Digital Archivists conveniently work from your home or secure a pickup at your home or office to help you scan, backup, and organize your family photos, videos, slides, photo albums, journals, documents, tapes, cassettes, negatives, and film. Their white glove photo scanning ensures delicate handling and archiving of your images so you can rest easy knowing your memories are safe in their hands. team at Doorstep Digital looking at old photos

Data Backup & Organization 

The sheer number of photos I take as a mom can get overwhelming. Doorstep Digital can help you achieve the perfect balance between data hoarding and data backup. They’ll organize and delete duplicate files that slow down your computer. They can help you name and organize your memories in such a way that allows you to enjoy them all in one place. With a password management service, their digital archivists even help take the stress out of remembering constantly changing passwords!

3 film rolls

Home Private Cloud Setup

I’m forever confused about clouds and backing up and syncing my photos. But with Doorstep Digital, you can have your own safe, reliable and private in-home cloud storage. Backup your files while you sleep in multiple locations. Free up hard drive space from your home computer. This will protect your priceless video and photo collection and allow them room to grow. No more worrying about running out of space or tragedies such as fires or floods destroying your family memories! 

Photo Software Tutorials

Ever decide to finally sit down and organize your photos and then feel completely overwhelmed by the different software and storage options available? Have in-home private lessons to learn a photo organization software of your choice, like Google Photos, Adobe Lightroom, Apple Photos, or Synology. With this service you can learn how to more efficiently organize your photo collections, learn to share digital albums with friends and family, and learn how to make your own photo edits.  

Custom Photo Albums 

I love printing my photos to books but it can become so overwhelming and time consuming that I don’t do it as often as I wish I did. Doorstep Digital makes it easy. Work with a designer to create custom holiday albums, gifts for family members, or memory books for your own home!

team looking at old family photos

Family Biographer 

A family biographer from Doorstep Digital can curate your family photos, interview family members, and even write your family story! With this service you can save time with their efficient and sensitive process, and create a one of a kind family treasure.

closeup of a digital camera with picture of family on screen

Photo Restoration

Find some old photos in not so great shape? Let Doorstep Digital restore them to their original look. They can even colorize old black and white photos!

restored photo of man in suit

Hard Drive Backup, Computer Recycling, and Hard Drive Destruction

I never know what to do with old computers. They end up taking up space in a closet or the garage because I’m just not sure how to safely handle their disposal. Doorstep Digital will protect your privacy by backing up your old hard drive. After that, they recycle the computer part materials and securely verify the destruction of your hard drives. 

Connect with Doorstep Digital

Here is a Summer 2022 Testimonial from a family in the Pearland and Lake Jackson area. They had previously lost photos from a fire and were very relieved to find and work with Doorstep Digital to save the remainder of their photos.


Looking to connect with Doorstep Digital and all they have to offer? Call (713) 337-9397 or email [email protected] today for an estimate of your photo scanning, back up, and organization project! 

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Bethany Dufilho
Bethany, the daughter of an army chaplain and a special education teacher, grew up moving every 2-3 years. She considers herself an introvert who had to learn how to make friends quickly! She met her Houstonian husband, Paul, in college and they married in 2004. They first settled just north of Houston, where she earned her master's degree at Sam Houston State in School Psychology. After working in public education for a couple of years, she decided to stay home full time with their children, Charlie {2008}, Norah {2010}, and Will {2013}. The family moved to Katy in 2012, where they’ve been ever since. She loves decorating and even had her own small business for a while. She also loves to read, binge-watch old TV shows, talk politics and enneagram, and will not turn down a cup of strong coffee or a good conversation with a friend.


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