5 DIY Pinterest Beauty Hacks Tested! {VIDEO}

I love Pinterest. Oh man. It’s my digital hoarder’s guilty pleasure. All the pretty colors, DIYs, how-to’s, printables, color inspiration, makeup tips, wardrobe ideas…

The list could go on forever.

One area that pinterests me {haha, see what I did there?}

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are beauty hacks. I love a great beauty hack! I use them in my day to day, from my castor oil trick {that you’ll see in the video} to my DIY night cream I made and use daily. I’m always up for trying something homemade when it comes to beauty because, honestly, sometimes it pains me to pay for it when I have ingredients in my pantry that could do as good a job.

But sometimes, it’s worth paying the money…as you’ll see in this video I made where I tested five popular Pinterest DIY beauty hacks. There were some hits. But there were most definitely some misses. See for yourself…


I’d love to make another one of these videos and test out some more! What are some beauty hacks you’ve been curious about trying? I may see what I can test out for you!

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Hannah B
A native Houstonian, Hannah adores everything about her home town…except for the humidity. So when she married Aaron in July 2008, an indoor wedding was necessary to protect this ginger from the frizz of summer. After 8 years of marriage, 4 of those battling through infertility, they welcomed twins Cason and Grace into their family through the miracle of adoption in December 2013. A graduate of the University of Houston with a degree in theatre and a creative writing minor, creating runs deep in Hannah’s veins. Her goal is to live a fearless life where she works hard creating projects and ideas that make their home in her wild imagination. She loves making videos for her YouTube Channel, taking photos and writing for her blog Everything Sunny Always, and creating digital artwork. When she’s not creating, you can find Hannah at any local coffee shop fueling her adoration for a gourmet cup of joe or stuck in traffic on the Houston freeways belting Adele or practicing her future Emmy speech.



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