As the new year begins, many of us love to set resolutions and goals. Our feeds on social media are full to the brim with all of the things people want to accomplish. Sometimes I find that to be a bit overwhelming, like I must be the absolute best 100% of the time. Yes, long term goals are great, but I tend to be more of a fan of monthly goals and to-do lists. Giving myself simple tasks will add up if I consistently do them.
So, on that note, I’ve decided to create a bucket list of 14 things Houston moms should do in January 2014. The idea is that these are all simple tasks and don’t take much money to do. These things should inspire you, stretch you, simplify your life, and fulfill you. Things that are good for the body, mind and soul. This isn’t pressure. It’s not, “I must do these 14 things or I suck at life.” No. Do what you can.
14 Things Houston Moms Should Do in January 2014– download it now! Also, make sure to pin the image to refer back!
1. Enjoy the cool temps & go for a walk ::
We are blessed in Houston that we have such nice weather in the ‘winter’ {with the exception of today…brr}. Use this time to enjoy it by taking a nice long walk. Burn extra calories while pushing a stroller!
2. Try a new restaurant, no kids allowed ::
Houston has the most amazing restaurant scene. Take advantage of it! Not sure where to start? Try some of my favorites, such as Max’s Wine Dive, Brennan’s, or Torchy’s Tacos.
3. Take a bath, bubbles optional ::
As moms, we oftentimes are so caught up in taking care of everyone else, we forget to take care of ourselves. You can squeeze in a fifteen minute bath one evening while the kids are asleep. You’ll be glad you did.
4. Try loose leaf tea ::
Loose leaf tea is so fancy, huh? Plain and simple, it’s very healthy! You can prepare it a number of ways, including in a french press. I love Georgia’s Farm to Market in Houston for my loose leaf tea needs. They have an amazing selection with lovely flavors. My favorite is the Berry Rooibos tea.
5. Wear bold lipstick ::
It seems as if many women are afraid of wearing bold lipstick. I assure you it’s so much fun and pretty much idiot proof. If you’re afraid, start out with a bold gloss or balm so you can wear it more sheer to build your confidence. Bold lips are pretty! Rock them!
6. Go ice skating at Discovery Green ::
Did you know the ice skating rink at Discovery Green is open until February? If you missed out during the holidays, you still have a chance!
7. Pick strawberries at a local farm ::
It’s already strawberry season at certain local farms! Head out to Blessington Farms with the family for a fun day!
8. Hit up the outlet mall ::
Since the weather is so tolerable, I think it’s such a perfect time to peruse our Houston area outlet malls. I highly recommend the Tanger Outlets in Texas City or the Houston Premium Outlets in Cypress.
9. Attempt a vegetarian recipe ::
I don’t know about you, but the holidays sure did a number on my stomach {and hips and thighs, if we’re being honest}. I like to stretch myself by preparing a clean vegetarian meal that is still full in flavor but also good for you. Some of my favorites are these Clean Eating Veggie Asian Lettuce Wraps, Quinoa Stuffed Peppers, and Layered Tortilla Casserole, all of which you can repin right by clicking those links.
10. DIY a simple craft ::
I am by no means a crafty kind of girl. I have zero patience, but when the mood strikes me, I will work, work, work! I think simple DIY helps keep me well-rounded and saves a lot of money. You can do something as simple as saving your Christmas cards and make a no sew tutu, or maybe you’re feeling a little adventurous and want to paint some old furniture.
11. Write a letter ::
Putting pen to paper and giving the recipient something they can hold in their hands is an invaluable experience. You can write your spouse a love note, put a note of encouragement in your child’s lunch, or reach out and write a long lost friend or family member a letter. Snail mail is always a joy to receive.
12. Browse a local bookstore ::
Something about an independently run bookstore makes you feel smarter and more cultured just by walking in. Check out some of Houston’s finest, such as Brazos Bookstore, Blue Willow Bookshop, or Murder by the Book. You could get even more adventurous and go to a book signing or set up a reading challenge, just like Bre did!
13. Blast ’90s music with the windows down ::
As I mentioned before, the weather’s typically nice in January in Houston. And what’s better than a healthy dose of ’90s music? Blasting it with the windows down and looking like a fool. Have no shame and get on with your bad self, girl. Car dance parties at stoplights are also encouraged.
14. Clean out your closet & donate old clothes ::
Since it’s the new year, it’s probably a good idea to tackle that overflowing closet of yours. Not only are you simplifying your life, but you are helping someone else in need. Since I live in the Clear Lake area, I love to support the Bay Area Turning Point or Interfaith Caring Ministries, but there are a ton of incredible charities in the Houston area.
So, are you up for the challenge?
I can tell you I’ve already accomplished 1, 3, 5 and 14 just in this past week. I can’t wait to see what else I will accomplish!
Strawberries in January sounds amazing! I have to wait until June up here. I do really like #10. I have way too many projects to finish.
I really want to try the loose leaf tea! I’m going to do it. I know everyone knows I love my Starbucks but 90% of the time I’m just drinking a chai latte. I’m taking myself. And pinning this so I can remember to try a few other things too.