Confession :: Even though I LOVE to cook, some nights I just don’t feel like it. I don’t want to run to the grocery store, I don’t want to make a mess of my kitchen, and I certainly don’t want to deal with the aftermath of dishes that await me in the sink. So you better believe I was beside myself excited to discover our sponsor DoorDash – an on-demand delivery service that allows you to purchase goods {either online or via their app} from local merchants and have them delivered straight to your door. Boom.
DoorDash is brand new to the Houston area, but they are definitely moving quick and taking our beloved city by storm. As a busy mom, I love that their service provides real-time status updates when my kids are at my feet asking “is it time to eat yeeeeet?”, and with an average delivery time of less than 40 minutes, it is way faster than the time it takes me to prep, cook, and serve most of the meals in my rotation. Right now, DoorDash is delivering to West University Place, River Oaks, Galleria, Montrose, The Heights, and Midtown. But word on the street is, they have BIG plans to keep expanding…and SOON! {I’m definitely following their Facebook page to stay in the know!}
So in celebration of their launch across Houston, I am sharing the 7 times when you NEED meal delivery in your life. Because regardless of where you live or whether or not you think meal delivery is for you {have you lost your mind?!?}, I can promise that DoorDash will come in handy and save your sanity just as soon as you start using it. Oh, and did I mention they have an AMAZING giveaway for one lucky mama? Keep reading…because they do!
1. When you just don’t feel like cooking.
As I mentioned above, sometimes I just don’t feel like cooking. And judging by an informal poll of my friends, I’m certainly not the only one. On nights when that fridge is looking sparse and every ounce of energy in our body is drained, it is so nice to know that a delicious meal is just a few clicks away. Plus, minimal clean up and no dishes? Yes, please!
2. When you want to surprise your hubby / a friend / coworkers with lunch at their office.
My hubby works LONG hours and often times powers straight through lunch. There are days when I know he is nose down in paperwork and probably hasn’t consumed anything but a few pots of coffee come lunch time. Since his office is in the heart of Houston, it’s not always cohesive to hand deliver a home cooked meal. But DoorDash offers the next best thing, and I can secretly place an order and have a hot meal delivered straight to his office as a sweet surprise. {Note :: It’s always smart to call ahead and make sure that your hubby / friend / coworker is actually at their desk and not in a meeting or away from the office at that time. Just do a little recon. They will have no clue!}
3. When you want to deliver a new mom her favorite meal.
One of my favorite ways to treat a new mom is to bring over her favorite meal. But the problem is, with Houston traffic and crazy schedules, it’s not always easy to prepare that usual “new mom casserole” and keep it appetizing as you make the schlep across town. With DoorDash making their way into Houston, that problem is now SOLVED. Just do a little research on some of their fave foods, place the order, and then either have it delivered and give them some privacy {or} schedule a visit at the same time and hold that sweet precious baby while the new parents nosh on dinner. Oh, and since DoorDash is nationwide, this is perfect if that new mom lives in a different city than you do too! Check out their website for the delivery areas.
4. When your kiddos are sick.
I’m not sure about your kiddos, but when my little ones are sick – only the comfort of my arms will make them feel better. For me, that means no time to slave over a stove or prepare a gourmet meal, and for the rest of the family, it means crackers + cheese sticks + apples for dinner. So how fantastic to know that regardless of high temps or runny noses or incessant coughs, meal delivery can save the day and ensure that the rest of the family is well fed and cared for as you tend to your sweet little sickie.
5. When you’re a million months pregnant.
Full term pregnancy + standing in the kitchen + a hot oven = no. thank. you. And on the contrary, cooking during the first trimester of pregnancy when you are taken over by morning all day sickness isn’t very appealing either. So basically, my vote is that all pregnant mamas should indulge in meal delivery at least once a week. That way those wild cravings can be fulfilled without lifting a finger. {Well, after you tap in your order on DoorDash, that is.}
6. When you want the perfect date night…without leaving the house.
Ever find yourself in need of a date night…but you don’t feel like hiring a babysitter, getting all dolled up, or fighting the crowds? Me too. Here’s an idea…put the kids down for an early bedtime, dust off that bottle of wine in your pantry, and have a meal for two delivered straight to your door. Bonus points if you light some candles and turn on background music too!
7. When you just want to put a smile on someone’s face.
A few months ago, Sarah wrote this brave, strong, amazing post about us moms lifting one another up instead of breaking each other down, and she gave us all a challenge that has been on my mind and in my heart ever since. She said, “Everyone go find a mom who is doing it differently than yourself, give her a huge hug, a huge pat on the back, and order her a pizza for dinner.” Isn’t that just the sweetest??? Well, I’m bringing that challenge back around, but instead of pizza – I challenge you to discover her favorite meal and have it delivered. And Sarah – it is your turn now. I’m having DoorDash deliver lunch to your office this week. Just let me know the best day and time, and I so hope it will put a smile on your beautiful face, my dear friend!
Speaking of smiles, now it is time to make YOUR day too! Thanks to our friends at DoorDash, all Houston Moms Blog readers can get $10 off their first order just by using the code “HOUSTONMOM“…and that is on top of the $1 delivery fee that all first timers get as well. Just head to their website or download their app, set up a free account, and then place an order for you {or} surprise a friend!
Plus, thanks to the amazing generosity of DoorDash, one VERY lucky mama is going to have all delivery fees waived for one full month – beginning on the date of their choice. So basically speaking, the winner and DoorDash will decide when to start those glorious 30 days {perfect if this service hasn’t quite made it to your neck of the woods!}, and then throughout the month, you will be able to order all of the food that your heart – or stomach – desires and only pay for the cost of the food…NO delivery fees! And of course, entering couldn’t be easier. Just follow the directions below!
[xyz-ihs snippet=”DoorDash”]
Please Note :: While this may be a sponsored post, all thoughts on DoorDash and the ideas for meal delivery are completely my own.
It’d be GREAT if this was available in my area when my son arrives! Any idea when they’ll be in the Spring/Klein/Champions area?
Unfortunately, their expansion plan is top secret. But I will say that they are moving FAST, so follow them on social media to ensure you’re one of the first to know! And congrats on your sweet baby boy too!! 🙂
I would have given practically anything to have this the first few weeks after having my son! But being a working mom with a small kiddo, this still sounds ah-mazing!