{For more posts within this series, click the picture above.} Okay, so you remember my last post about children's teeth, right?  And you remember how I said that all children should visit the dentist by the time they hit their...
I’ve referred to my kids as “walking viruses” too many times to count this year. There was at least one person sick in our home most every week between October and March. I absolutely loathed this winter and all...
First thing is first, I have to point out some very important verbiage in the title.  Did you notice that I said "How I Potty Trained MY 17 Month Old"???  I didn't say my cousin's, or my neighbor's, or...
Please Note :: Our wonderful Bloom event was sponsored by an amazing group of community partners, and would certainly not have been possible without their tremendous support. We are so incredibly grateful for our presenting sponsors - Concierge Pediatrics of Houston...
I am slightly stroller obsessed; at one point, I owned four of them.  They offer convenience and protection to babies and toddlers in the Texas heat.  They provide shade and an easy way to tote all of my baby's accessories {and maybe a...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
I had just attended my first midwife visit at The Addice birth center in January before the world went to chaos with COVID. Having made the decision to use a birth center with my second pregnancy {I had already...
My little ones have both been major baby food snobs.  Any time I have gotten in a crunch and tried to feed one of them something from a jar, they totally and completely turn their nose up at it. ...
So how’s it been going taking pics of your kiddos since checking out some of my favorite photo apps?  Getting any better?  Legs hurting from squatting down?  It’s okay.  Sometimes that’s just how it goes.  But if you want...
{Click image above for more stories of inspiration, encouragement, and support.} I always planned on breastfeeding Skeeter.  Even when I was still pregnant with her, I set a personal goal of exclusively breastfeeding for six months.  I ended up exceeding that goal...



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