I read an article years ago about making investments in your 20's and 30's, and these weren't investments of the financial nature - they were investments in people. It was a reminder to not forget to make deposits when...
Let's cut to the chase here - I'm not pregnant.  Nor am I trying to get pregnant.  I know the title of this post may seem a little misleading, but I promise I am going somewhere with it. As you...
It was September 2012..."Chase, I think I am pregnant!!!"  Shock and excitement immediately set in.  It took us a year and lots of struggles to get pregnant with our son Brody, so to get pregnant on the month we...
Nurtured Family is a local boutique featuring all things mom and baby with a focus on nurturing the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.  From the moment you get pregnant to long after your baby arrives, this store has everything...
My arms grow tired as I rock you back to sleep in the darkened bedroom, the only light coming from the dim glow of your monitor. This isn't the first time I've rocked you to sleep tonight, and I...
It has been over six years since we first started our In-vitro Fertilization {IVF} journey. We have been blessed with three children - one tenacious 4 year old and exuberant 16-month-old boy/girl twins. At least once everyday I look...
Originally, we said we were going to wait until 2015 for another play date.  "It'll be nice to have a break," we said.  "We want to just spend time with our friends and family," we said.  "It's a time to...
I'm on my third sweet nugget over here which makes me feel pretty well versed in all things baby. I've got all the newborn sleep tricks up my sleeve, the ability to read hunger cues from miles away, and can...
Tiffanie's Story It was summer of 2010, July 22nd to be exact, I was just over 15 weeks pregnant when I had a follow-up scheduled with my high risk OB for her to just "check my cervix."  I went alone...
This was a question I asked myself for months. Each time thinking, "No! It's not possible." But I would always excuse it away with things like, "But I remember being totally fine after she was born. It wasn't 'til...



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