I recently had my third baby, and I wasn't even sure I was going to breastfeed this time around. After two failed attempts, the thought of trying and failing a third time seemed daunting. I played it cool by...
Ugggh.....  Is it just me, or has this heat been BRUTAL lately?  Every time my kiddos utter the "o-word" {you know - OUTSIDE!}, I cringe with desperation.  During the daylight hours, I seriously sweat just looking out the window.  And...
If you have an elementary or older child, chances are you have probably heard of STEM :: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. What you might not know is how important a role this acronym plays in your child's education...
With hurricane season upon us, it is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with this meteorological menace. In true Jeopardy fashion - the answers are the questions and the questions are the answers. Play along with us for a...
I'm gonna be honest here. I chose my bank based on which bank my parents had. It was easier when I was younger to have connected accounts with my mom, but now that I am older and independent, I...
With school districts across the greater Houston area cancelling school for the next couple of weeks, we have compiled a list of free student meals in the area. {This is a working list and we plan to add to...
The entire process of getting Back to School ready can seem insanely overwhelming. Did you get enough sleep? What time is drop off? Where IS drop off? Do you have your backpack ready? Where are your shoes? For the love...
Join us as we Hop Around Houston with our title sponsor Next Level Urgent Care!  Next stop in our summer play date series… >>> Gymboree- Missouri City <<< Gymboree Play & Music of Missouri City specializes in education based Play, Music, Baby Lab,...
The Terrible Twos.  I think all moms are warned about this stage.  As my 6 little ones are entering toddlerhood, I have mixed emotions.  I was ready for the baby phase to end - going back and forth to carry...
When my twins reached the all-magic age of 3 and I felt like they had some ability to sit still for an extended period of time, my husband and I couldn't wait to take them to the movies. If I...



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