Look, I admit that sometimes I accidentally brush my teeth with hand soap. At least once a week. With that being said, I still want my little one to develop healthy dental habits. They may be "just baby teeth," but...
My twins just turned two years old, and although I love them with every fiber of my being, I am now living a completely new reality :: I am officially in the throes of a love-hate relationship with toddlerhood....
It's not easy being stuck at home with younger kids. We've got you covered with some quick, easy at-home activities for younger kids to help get you through this time. What a crazy last few weeks this has been,...
Ah, Back to School season. That wonderful time of year where Facebook is filled with pictures of perfectly posed, adorable children in their crisp new outfits and monogrammed backpacks, holding Pinterest-style chalkboards with their current school year stats. Moms...
Have you ever met a family and just been instantly drawn to them? Maybe it was a kind “hello” or a similar path in life or a story that rocked you to your core? Whatever the case may be,...
I've been on solo parenting duty for the past week, and still have a week to go. Already, I've handled a whole lot of situations. My 8-year-old, up way past her bedtime:: "Mommy, what exactly is sex, anyway?" And...
Hi, I’m Sara. I’m just a mom who is trying to balance life {life “balance” is a myth, by the way, but that’s a whole different blog post}. I’m trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, be a...
As my son is {way too} quickly approaching two years old, so are his friends. When he was born, I sought out mom groups, mom friends, followed mom bloggers, and reconnected with friends that had kids his age with...
Tiny Hands Forever Starting a New Tradition I always knew that when I became a mom I would create family traditions for my family. Growing up, I didn't have many traditions, and it makes me sad that I really don't have...
My autism story began almost immediately after giving birth to my third child.  Labor was hard, I was so tired, and my son was born 4 weeks early.  I remember the devastation going into the NICU and trying to...



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