It is the eighth month of the year... the one when sane, rational, model parents begin the quest for deals on back to school clothing, lunch prep ideas and completion of the school supply checklist. I have never questioned...
Back-to-School season is here, mamas! Soon your kids will be trading their swimsuits for backpacks, and popsicles for school lunches. This time can be a bit overwhelming for parents (the endless to-dos, expensive shopping lists) and for our kids...
There is no bet I would have won in March that could have included accurate predictions of the last 4 months. As a mom of a Class of 2020 high school senior, I honestly never thought that graduation and...
My friends tell me this is quite the unpopular opinion, but I'll be perfectly honest with you. I hate the end of summer. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally over Houston's hotter than Hades weather -- Lord save me...
Let's just get this out here from the get go.  I do not craft.  I will staple something together before I ever attempt to sew it {see :: Addy's baby doll stroller}.  I do not have a craft room....
From the beginning {literally the very beginning, like in utero}, we knew we had a Strong-Willed Child on our hands. The ultrasound tech took one look at our twins swimming around and said, and I quote, "You're going to...
In our family, November means one thing - BIRTHDAYS! Our boys are two years and one day apart, so we have a family tradition of November birthday parties. {I guess technically our family tradition is Valentine's Day...but that's a...
It was around this time last year that I started waking up with horrible chest pain. My pulse was racing erratically through my left arm, my breathing rapid, and nothing would calm me down. Was I having a heart...
March is National Nutrition Month, and as mothers, we can all relate to the ongoing mission {or saga} of trying to insert healthy food into the mouths of our kids. This can be particularly challenging in our current society,...
Whether it's 6, 7, 8, or 9 o'clock {or even later for the night owls}, there comes that moment of the day when, although the darkness starts to roll in, you, as mom, see the light. The little ones...



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