I am a mom and an antique dealer, so it is not surprising that we have old furniture in our house. I adore the antique pieces I have collected while living in Norway, France, and England. With over 20...
"Having a two-year-old is like having a blender that you don't have the top for." --Jerry Seinfield Yessssssss! Absolutely true. My youngest is very sweet, affectionate, and an overall good listener. Did I luck out and get to skip those...
I have a confession ::  I have never been good at this whole holiday party goodie bag thing.  Most of the time I forget about them until the night before, then rush to throw something together.  Luckily, Skeeter is...
{For just two weeks, we are handing over our computers to the men in our lives and turning this little piece of the world wide web into Houston Dads Blog!  Read along with their joys and their struggles, and find out why we...
We've had temperatures in the 80s, flipped the calendars another month, and hopefully have consumed at least one pumpkin something or other. Fall is here, my friends {yes, it's still blazing, I know}, and with it comes pumpkin patch...
Infertility is ROUGH, people.  This is not a post to make light of it, believe. you. me.  No way.  No how.  I stand with you as one who has suffered greatly in the midst of YEARS of infertility.  And...
First thing is first, I have to point out some very important verbiage in the title.  Did you notice that I said "How I Potty Trained MY 17 Month Old"???  I didn't say my cousin's, or my neighbor's, or...
I dread swimsuit season. However, I am completely fine with my appearance. It’s my daughter I worry about. Every summer without fail, someone comments about her body. And she's only five. The first time this happened, we were at a resort...
When I first started taking the twins for haircuts, I'm not sure who was more stressed :: me, the kiddos, or the stylist. Lord. I mean, it's just HAIR, right?! But it's HAIR. And a lot of us have...
Play dates are so much fun. There is nothing better than having some mommy friends over and letting the kids hang out while the adults talk. Although sometimes these little get-togethers can be repetitive {and that is okay}, here...



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