Cowboy boots, carnival rides, concerts, pig races, mutton bustin, and fried anything! Yep, it's Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo time in Houston!!! From parking and performers to food and shopping, our 2015 Family Guide to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo has...
A few short days ago, my sweet little boy hit a MAJOR milestone - he turned five years old.  {Pardon me while I dab the corner of my eyes for a bit.}  I know for those of you who are...
I love my mom, but I didn't fully appreciate her until after having my own kids.  One of the things that I wished we had was a stronger line of communication.  I was always afraid of disappointing her or...
I've been on solo parenting duty for the past week, and still have a week to go. Already, I've handled a whole lot of situations. My 8-year-old, up way past her bedtime:: "Mommy, what exactly is sex, anyway?" And...
In April of 2017, I watched the first season of 13 Reasons Why. If you are unfamiliar with this show, I'm guessing your kids are young or you don't have Netflix. For those of us navigating the scary waters...
Alright ya'll, I have a hot take: Promposals should not be a thing. There…I said it. This is an opinion that many are likely to disagree with {and that's OK!}, but hear me out. I came to this conclusion recently as...
When my twins reached the all-magic age of 3 and I felt like they had some ability to sit still for an extended period of time, my husband and I couldn't wait to take them to the movies. If I...
Here we are again...  Wrapping up the summer in total and complete amazement at just how wonderfully successful our Hoppin' Around H-Town summer play date series turned out to be!  We are humbled to the core at the support that was...
Did you know June is National Safety Month? Me neither! It gets MUCH less hype than National Rosé Day, National Donut Day and obviously, National Pop Goes the Weasel Day {a real thing, I checked}.  And arguably our safety...
Having a newborn means sleepless nights, round-the-clock feedings and worrying about why the baby is crying.  I wished that I could say to all new parents that it will get easier, but it doesn't. Honestly, the newborn stage was...



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