Do you ever wonder if your kids are getting the short end of the mom stick? I do. I feel like I fall short as an example when I run late in the mornings {which is often}, and when...
As we approach the end of cold and flu season I have to confess something with you. Taking care of sick kids is not my favorite thing. As mothers, most of us carry around the extra stress, worry and...
I remember with perfect clarity the moment I realized every stay at home mom needs a stay at home dad friend. I was hanging out with two stay at home moms I'd just met, both trained in early childhood education...
Can I start with a confession? I fully accept that you will judge me and probably roll your eyes or question my competancy. That's fine. After all, I have shared my love of reading with you and emphasized the...
It started in our preschool days. Overwhelmed moms standing in pick up lines, dreaming of a night out with adults :: no potty training, no bedtime routines, just a glass of wine and a conversation. This sounds like a...
When my son was three years old, he became friends with a fly.  This story doesn't end well. Not knowing the strong {very real} attachment my toddler had developed for the insect in the mere 75 seconds he had known it,...
'They' say don't do this and 'They' say don't do that. Who are these 'Theys' and who voted that we should listen to them? As part of my mommy-hood journey, I have found that I should stop listening to...
Having a newborn means sleepless nights, round-the-clock feedings and worrying about why the baby is crying.  I wished that I could say to all new parents that it will get easier, but it doesn't. Honestly, the newborn stage was...
Like so many others, I spent Monday glued to the news, watching the extensive coverage of the devastating fire of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. Like so many others, my heart hurt to see so much history burn...
I don't know about you, but when I hear the term "volunteer" I think of those selfless individuals who are handing out magazines on the floor of MD Anderson or those holding babies in the NICU. I tend to...



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