I'm pretty open about how I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to this parenting thing. I basically do a pretty good job at keeping my children alive, semi-happy and mostly nice to others. Anyway, I...
Oh my precious baby boy, who really isn't so much of a baby anymore. You are only two, and your world is both exhilarating and scary. You have boundless energy and innate curiosity. You are testing who and what...
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Today, a Pediatric Physical Therapist shares the personal side of her profession :: the relationships she has with the incredible human beings she works with daily.  I am a pediatric physical therapist. I serve...
Every day I worry about my teenagers. I worry about them, and their peers, in ways that I never expected. I'm not surprised that I worry about them, but I'm very surprised about the things I worry about most. I was...
What's in a label?  A label describes the name of a product, or the ingredients in your food. The label can offer more information on what you are looking at. But what happens when that label is given to a child?...
February 28 is Rare Disease Day. In the United States, a disease is considered rare if it affects less than 200,000 Americans. The purpose of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness by telling the stories of those who...
Dear Harvey Apartment, Tonight is our last night to sleep here. Tomorrow we will fall asleep in our home for the first time in 6 months since Hurricane Harvey turned our lives upside down. What’s that? You thought you were our...
Six months have passed since Hurricane Harvey hit, affecting millions of people living in southeast Texas.  While much of the Houston area has recovered, the hardest hit areas, such as Meyerland, Kingwood, and West Houston, are still recovering from...
Growing up with my beautiful and vivacious mama, I always paid close attention to how she got ready, whether it was for a day spent at the soccer fields or a date night out with my dad. I knew...
Dear Judy,  This week, you celebrated your 80th birthday. How can this be? Your books and stories have been a part of the fabric of my life for as long as I can remember, and I never once imagined you...



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