From suicide bombings to mass shootings to unexplained shootings, the recent events have us mortified and wondering about the world in which we are raising our children. With little place to hide from the bad news, it's easy to...
So let's rewind to last July when a handful of brave HMB contributors participated in our first ever "Real Mom-Bods Shoot." I NEVER thought I would do such a thing, yet I jumped in for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was the lure of...
As a household with two working parents, our parent/child time is limited. We're out the door before 7 a.m. and home around 5 p.m. -- just in time to cook dinner, eat, bathe, and get ready for bedtime. If...
As I type this my 2.5 year old twins are having meltdowns because Peppa Pig is on the TV rather than their beloved Bubble Guppies. Not only that, but how dare Nick Jr. play commercials to interrupt their viewing...
I used to dread getting older. Not in some Peter Pan way, where I wanted to stay young forever. I just feared the unknown of being a real grown up and turning 30. Didn’t your 30s mean you started...
Tonight, my three-year-old daughter ate one tiny nibble of a green bean, a slice of cheese, and three grapes for dinner. Good enough. This was after her epic meltdown because Mommy couldn’t find her My Little Pony cup with the pink...
Before becoming a mom, I worked as the shopping editor for a magazine. The job required me to regularly visit local boutiques - it was the worst job in the world, sigh. *Insert sarcasm.* Over the course of a...
The past couple weeks I've found my Facebook newsfeed chocked full of links and lists on how I can create a "Magical Summer" for the little cherubs that call me Mom. Every time I see the word magical in...
Roughly two months, 14 days, and 6-ish hours ago, I bought myself a minivan. There are so many buttons and beeps and warnings in this thing I'm sure if I give it the old -- up up, down down, left right,...
We've all fallen victim to the sales pitches, the parties, and the annoying Facebook newsfeeds. I've been there as the loyal {and not so loyal} customer and supported the latest product launches for just about everything - jewelry, skincare,...



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