I'm pregnant. Like I'm staring down the 20-week milestone, and I think I've shared the information with a handful of actual people. I promise it's not for lack of excitement about a new baby. But being pregnant after miscarriage{s} and feet soaking...
Warning :: Rant ahead. I'll try to keep it under control, but there are no promises. Let's get something straight that has been on my mind since our twins burst onto the scene 5 years ago. My husband is NOT the...
Have you ever tried getting out of the house with a toddler? It's like herding a cat. Am I right? Gone are the days of grabbing the diaper bag, scooping up the little one, and walking out the door....
As a mom of two young boys, I am regularly asked if I’m going to “try for a girl.” So many thoughts run through my head when someone carelessly asks me such an ignorant question... First of all, I am fairly...
In a world filled with Disney Junior and PBS Kids, I love those rare nights when my kids want to watch old Full House reruns instead. So over the past few years, I've re-watched all the old episodes of Full House....
You would think after having your body a good 30-ish years, you would know how it works and how to work it.  And just when you think you have it together, your body changes.  And adding a baby or...
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 10 years, you are fully aware of ABC's hit reality show The Bachelor and all of it's long-stemmed rose glory.  There is a little something for everyone...romance, drama, humor,...
Raise your hand if all of your children have up-to-date baby books? And now all of you overachievers can put your hands down. It’s 2016, and ain't nobody got time to jot down how much your child weighed every four...
So I've already mentioned that our family is 100% complete. Done. Finished. And now I'm raising some wonderfully crazy twin FIVE year olds. {Which, by the way, I have no idea how that happened. The complete nerve of them...
What does a mom really look like? Yoga pants and messy buns? Jeans, a t-shirt from her kid's school, and slip on shoes? Workout gear? Heels, skinnies, flowy top, and lipstick? You can't really pin her down with anything besides...



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