As soon as the calender hits October and Mother Nature gives us the first taste of temperatures below 80 degrees, we are thinking one thing - Dewberry Farm!  If you haven't loaded up your crew and headed to this...
It’s that time of year to start your search for the perfect Thanksgiving dishes. Your social media will explode with the best ways to prep your turkey or spice up that stuffing. Tables will be set with the most...
My kids never believed in Santa Clause when they were growing up. It wasn’t because we were trying to be “counter-culture” or because we thought Santa Clause was a terrible, non-religious tradition: we just didn't like deceiving them. It...
If you're anything like me, I already had a giant shopping bag full of items that I had ordered for my daughter's first Easter tucked away in the back of my closet in JANUARY. Yes, January. Don't worry, she's two...
It has been a crazy year, to say the least, but I am determined to make the very best of the spooky season with my kids. After all, it’s our favorite time of year! We are all about Halloween,...
The first day of Spring is next week.  Hallelujah!  We've had enough of Winter around here, though really I'm not complaining because finally those stinkin' mosquitoes are gone, those ice storms made for some perfect baby-snuggling weather, and it'll...
Dear Dr. King, Since you’re not here, I thought I’d give you an update on how your dream is coming along. I am mindful that your dream is not yet real. That our children are still victims of jail cells. Our...
I was raised with great gift wrapping genes. I grew up watching my grandmother and aunt masterfully prepare the gift wrapped items at their women's boutique. I learned at an early age a few key principles of all great...
My poor husband, you guys, does not have it easy in the gift arena. My birthday is April 30th, his mom's is May 5th, and Mother's Day is usually a week or so after. He is so bombarded with...
We asked the question a few days ago on our Facebook page... "Moms, what do you really want for Mother's Day?" And while not surprised, the resounding answer wasn't diamonds, fancy vacations, or something extravagant. Instead, most of us just wanted...



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