Making sensible dietary decisions for our families is not always easy, particularly when we are bombarded with marketing ploys that lead us to believe certain products are healthy when they are not. It can all be so overwhelming. From...
Since it’s always a good time to save money, my husband and I have recently embarked on some creative budgeting tactics to try and put some money aside for future vacations {ahem...Disney World}. What has worked for us may...
Our money and our time; the two things we need the most...and the two things we seem to waste the most. But it doesn't have to be that way, especially when it comes to shopping and grocery budgeting! Using my SIMPLE...
Welcome to this week's Friday Favorites!  This time I'm putting a spin on things by highlighting a list of  goodies carefully curated by my teen daughters, Olivia {2006} and Audra {2008}.  Surprisingly, most of the items on this list...
Just when you think you have seen all there is to see in Texas, you make your way to some of Texas' incredible hidden gems! And that's what makes Texas so insanely amazing: there's always something or somewhere to discover...
"Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be" - John Wooden In 2014, I started a side hustle-small business consulting. At the time, I was newly married, and we didn’t have children. The absence of kids made it infinitely...
The beginning of the year is a great time to update and clean your home! Let’s call it the prep work for spring cleaning. While spring cleaning can be about decluttering and airing things out, winter refresh is more...
A little over two weeks ago, we celebrated my girls' 4th birthday!!!  I know we all feel this way at each milestone, but WOWZA...4 just seems so old in our little world!  We've done supersized parties for years 1,...
If you haven't read some version of how red wine before bed can trim your waistline, you are behind, my friends. Step away from Instagram and get to reading! Maybe you are wine drinker, maybe not. Either way, find...
Everyone wants to feel appreciated—even for the little things. That's why we write thank you cards. A thank you card tells someone that you noticed and value something they’ve done. Not everyone believes in sending a thank you card...



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