Family Fun

Read about family fun from Houston Moms Blog!

I love the outdoors. Like even July in Houston outdoors. Weird, I know. I feel like regardless of the month or the temperature outside, my whole family is happier if we spend a good amount of time each day...
Confession :: My twins are 3 1/2 years old, and it has only been in the last 6 months or so that we've made a concerted effort to eat together as a family. I know. Some of you are probably shaking...
Blame it on my Irish roots, but I've always had a certain thing for St. Patrick's Day. There is just something about a holiday that doesn't involve gifts and is all about celebration - and leprechauns...can't forget the leprechauns....
As my toddler gets older, I like to use upcoming holidays and events that we go to during the year as a teaching tool for her. And this time of year holds a huge event for our great city....the...
It is already the end of February {...can you believe it?  Because we can't!}, and you are probably starting to think about Spring Break.  Now I am sure that some of you are taking a lavish vacation around the...
Guess what, Houston moms...Spring Break is almost here! Go look at the calendar, it's true. We are only weeks away from a house full of kids and entertainment will definitely be necessary! I am so excited for Spring Break...
I've been a patriotic soul since the first time I heard Lee Greenwood singing his classic "Proud To Be An American."  I just may have belted it out and danced with pot lids with my bridesmaids at our wedding...
Here at Houston Moms Blog we are constantly getting questions about photographing children - especially those squishy little newborns.  You want to know where to go and when to do it.  And while we all love our DSLRs, we...
Can you believe it's February 1st already?  When I hear February, I immediately think of two things - Valentine's Day and Rodeo Cook-Off {where I met my husband}.  Before we start polishing our boots and pulling out our turquoise and...
A countdown to Valentine's Day in the form of an easy craft by Channing, Houston Moms Blog contributor.



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