
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Dear First Time Momma, You're just days away from giving birth to your first child. I'm sure you've been told before that it will be a wonderful, magical experience - and that's true. Nothing in the world compares to the...
Breonna's Story Baby fever. That feeling that comes over some women at some random point in their lives when they sit back and think, "Good gracious I need a baby in my life.” Cute babies are suddenly everywhere you look.  At...
It’s 2012 and I’m sitting in a Reproductive Endocrinologist’s office. You know...just lounging in this comfy hospital gown, naked, in stirrups, and looking at all these photos on the wall of blossoming flowers. I think it’s supposed to subconsciously...
I’ve never labeled myself as a high-heel girl. Unfortunately, when I look at a ‘hot’ pair of heels, I don’t get all googly-eyed like some girls do. Instead, I assess how much pain they will cause me after 5...
As a teacher {more specifically a Reading teacher}, I can't stress the importance of reading to your children enough. I am always on the lookout for new books to add to Caroline's growing library, and I love when I...
I no longer have a toddler at home but I work with them every day at the public library. I love seeing their faces light up when they play with certain toys or experience something new. I hope you’ll...
"You Shouldn't Be Outside By Yourself" "Hey bud, can you go grab the recycling bin?" I asked my 3 year old, as I unloaded groceries from the back of my SUV. It was almost dinner time on a normal, non-descript...
I never realized how desperately I needed to be loved by myself. I have held her back for all her life, only allowing her to shine through others. It is enough now. It is finally time to shine for...
“Motherhood is a lifelong promise to protect and fight for your child. For some mothers, the greatest fight isn’t their own; it’s helping their child battle cancer.” – Northwestern Mutual With Mother's Day just two days away, my mind has...
Dear Mom of a Child with Autism, Hey there, friend. It’s April. I know … I'm the month you’ve been dreading. For the next thirty days, you’ll grit your teeth and power through. This is the month where blue lights...



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